class Athena::Routing::StreamedResponse


Represents an ART::Response whose content should be streamed to the client as opposed to being written all at once. This can be useful in cases where the response content is too large to fit into memory.

The content is stored in a proc that gets called when self is being written to the response IO. How the output gets written can be customized via an ART::Response::Writer.

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Athena::Routing::Response

content : String content, content=(content : String | Nil) content=, etag : String | Nil etag, headers : HTTP::Headers headers, last_modified : Time | Nil last_modified, last_modified=(time : Time | Nil = nil) : Nil last_modified=, send(context : HTTP::Server::Context) : Nil send, set_etag(etag : String | Nil = nil, weak : Bool = false) : Nil set_etag, set_public : Nil set_public, status : HTTP::Status status, status=(code : HTTP::Status | Int32) : Nil status=, writer=(writer : ART::Response::Writer) writer=

Constructor methods inherited from class Athena::Routing::Response

new(content : String | Nil = nil, status : HTTP::Status | Int32 = HTTP::Status::OK, headers : HTTP::Headers = new

Constructor Detail

def : HTTP::Status | Int32 = HTTP::Status::OK, headers : HTTP::Headers =, &block : IO -> Nil) #

Creates a new response with optional status, and headers arguments.

The block is captured and called when self is being written to the response's IO. This can be useful to reduce memory overhead when needing to return large responses.

require "athena"

class ExampleController < ART::Controller
  def users : ART::Response headers: HTTP::Headers{"content-type" => "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} do |io|
      User.all.to_json io

# GET /users # => [{"id":1,...},...]

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def : Proc(IO, Nil), status : HTTP::Status | Int32 = HTTP::Status::OK, headers : HTTP::Headers = #

Creates a new response with the provided callback and optional status, and headers arguments.

The proc is called when self is being written to the response's IO.

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Instance Method Detail

def content=(callback : Proc(IO, Nil)) #

Updates the callback of self.

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