class Athena::Routing::Params::ParamFetcher


Basic implementation of ART::Params::ParamFetcherInterface.

NOTE May only be used after the related ART::Action has been resolved.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Athena::Routing::Params::ParamFetcherInterface

each(strict : Bool | Nil = nil, & : String, _ -> Nil) : Nil each, get(name : String, strict : Bool | Nil = nil) get

Constructor Detail

def : ART::RequestStore, validator : AVD::Validator::ValidatorInterface) #

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Instance Method Detail

def each(strict : Bool | Nil = nil, &) : Nil #

Yields the name and value of each ART::Params::ParamInterface related to the current ART::Action#params.

Optionally allows determing if the params should be validated strictly. See the "Strict" section of ARTA::QueryParam.

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def get(name : String, strict : Bool | Nil = nil) #

Returns the value of the parameter with the provided name.

Optionally allows determing if the params should be validated strictly. See the "Strict" section of ARTA::QueryParam.

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