class Athena::Routing::Events::Response


Emitted after the route's action has been executed, but before the response has been returned to the client.

This event can be listened on to modify the response object further before it is returned; such as adding headers/cookies, compressing the response, etc.

See the external documentation for more information.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Athena::Routing::Events::RequestAware

request : HTTP::Request request

Constructor methods inherited from module Athena::Routing::Events::RequestAware

new(request : HTTP::Request) new

Constructor Detail

def : HTTP::Request, response : ART::Response) #

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Instance Method Detail

def response : ART::Response #

The response object.

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def response=(response : ART::Response) #

The response object.

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