class Athena::Routing::Events::View


Emitted after the route's action has been executed, but only if it does NOT return an ART::Response.

This event can be listened on to handle converting a non ART::Response into an ART::Response.

See ART::Listeners::View and the external documentation for more information.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Athena::Routing::Events::RequestAware

request : HTTP::Request request

Constructor methods inherited from module Athena::Routing::Events::RequestAware

new(request : HTTP::Request) new

Instance methods inherited from module Athena::Routing::Events::SettableResponse

response : ART::Response | Nil response, response=(response : ART::Response) : Nil response=

Constructor Detail

def : HTTP::Request, action_result : _) #

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Instance Method Detail

def action_result #

Returns the value returned from the related controller action.

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def action_result=(value : _) : Nil #

Overrides the return value of the related controller action.

Can be used to mutate the controller action's returned value within a listener context; such as for pagination.

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