abstract struct Athena::Routing::Params::ScalarParam


Extension of ART::Params::Param that allows for more granular validation of scalar parameters.

Direct Known Subclasses

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Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from struct Athena::Routing::Params::Param

constraints : Array(AVD::Constraint) constraints, description : String | Nil description, has_default? : Bool has_default?, incompatibles : Array(String) | Nil incompatibles, key : String key, name : String name, nilable? : Bool nilable?, strict? : Bool strict?

Constructor methods inherited from struct Athena::Routing::Params::Param

new(name : String, has_default : Bool = false, incompatibles : Array(String) | Nil = nil, strict : Bool = true, nilable : Bool = false, key : String | Nil = nil, description : String | Nil = nil) new

Constructor Detail

def self.new(name : String, has_default : Bool = false, incompatibles : Array(String) | Nil = nil, requirements : AVD::Constraint | Array(AVD::Constraint) | Regex | Nil = nil, map : Bool = false, strict : Bool = true, nilable : Bool = false, key : String | Nil = nil, description : String | Nil = nil) #

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Instance Method Detail

def constraints : Array(AVD::Constraint) #


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def map? : Bool #

Denotes whether the #requirements should be applied to the whole value, or to each item a part of the value.

See the "Map" section of ARTA::QueryParam.

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def requirements : AVD::Constraint | Array(AVD::Constraint) | Regex | Nil #

Returns the requirements that the value is required to pass in order to be considered valid.

See the "Requirements" section of ARTA::QueryParam.

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