abstract class Athena::Routing::Controller


The core of any framework is routing; how a route is tied to an action. Athena takes an annotation based approach; an annotation, such as ARTA::Get is applied to an instance method of a controller class, which will be executed when that endpoint receives a request. The annotation includes the path as well as any constraints that a parameter must meet in order for the route to be invoked.

Additional annotations also exist for setting a query param or a param converter. See ARTA::QueryParam and ARTA::ParamConverter respectively.

Child controllers must inherit from ART::Controller (or an abstract child of it). Each request gets its own instance of the controller to better allow for DI via Athena::DependencyInjection.

A route action can either return an ART::Response, or some other type. If an ART::Response is returned, then it is used directly. Otherwise an ART::Events::View is emitted to convert the action result into an ART::Response. By default, ART::Listeners::View will JSON encode the value if it is not handled earlier by another listener.


The following controller shows examples of the various routing features of Athena. ART::Controller also defines various macro DSLs, such as ART::Controller.get to make defining routes seem more Sinatra/Kemal like. See the documentation on the macros for more details.

require "athena"
require "mime"

# The `ARTA::Prefix` annotation can be applied to a controller to define a prefix to use for all routes within `self`.
class TestController < ART::Controller
  # A GET endpoint returning an `ART::Response`.
  # Can be used to return raw data, such as HTML or CSS etc, in a one-off manor.
  @[ARTA::Get(path: "/index")]
  def index : ART::Response
    ART::Response.new "<h1>Welcome to my website!</h1>", headers: HTTP::Headers{"content-type" => MIME.from_extension(".html")}

  # A GET endpoint returning an `ART::StreamedResponse`.
  # Can be used to stream the response content to the client; useful if the content is too large to fit into memory.
  @[ARTA::Get(path: "/users")]
  def users : ART::Response
    ART::StreamedResponse.new headers: HTTP::Headers{"content-type" => "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} do |io|
      User.all.to_json io

  # A GET endpoint using a param converter to render a template.
  # Assumes there is a `User` object that exposes their name, and an `ART::ParamConverterInterface` to provide the user with the provided *id*.
  # ```
  # # user.ecr
  # Morning, <%= user.name %> it is currently <%= time %>.
  # ```
  @[ARTA::ParamConverter("user", converter: SomeConverter)]
  def wakeup(user : User) : ART::Response
    # Template variables not supplied in the action's arguments must be defined manually
    time = Time.utc

    # Creates an `ART::Response` with the content of rendering the template, also sets the content type to `text/html`.
    render "user.ecr"

  # A GET endpoint with no params returning a `String`.
  # Action return type restrictions are required.
  def get_me : String

  # A GET endpoint with no params returning `Nil`.
  # `Nil` return types are returned with a status
  # of 204 no content
  def get_no_content : Nil
    # Do stuff

  # A GET endpoint with two `Int32` params returning an `Int32`.
  # The parameters of a route _MUST_ match the arguments of the action.
  # Type restrictions on action arguments are required.
  def add(val1 : Int32, val2 : Int32) : Int32
    val1 + val2

  # A GET endpoint with an `String` route param, and a required string query param that must match the given pattern; returning a `String`.
  # A non-nilable type denotes it as required.  If the parameter is not supplied, and no default value is assigned, an `ART::Exceptions::BadRequest` exception is raised.
  @[ARTA::QueryParam("time", constraints: /\d:\d:\d/)]
  def event_time(event_name : String, time : String) : String
    "#{event_name} occurred at #{time}"

  # A GET endpoint with an optional query parameter and optional path param with a default value; returning a `NamedTuple(user_id : Int32?, page : Int32)`.
  # A nilable type denotes it as optional.  If the parameter is not supplied (or could not be converted), and no default value is assigned, it is `nil`.
  def events(user_id : Int32?, page : Int32 = 1) : NamedTuple(user_id: Int32?, page: Int32)
    {user_id: user_id, page: page}

  # A GET endpoint with param constraints.  The param must match the supplied Regex or it will not match and return a 404 error.
  @[ARTA::Get("/time/:time/", constraints: {"time" => /\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/})]
  def get_constraint(time : String) : String

  # A POST endpoint with a route param and accessing the request body; returning a `Bool`.
  # It is recommended to use param converters to pass an actual object representing the data (assuming the body is JSON)
  # to the route's action; however the raw request body can be accessed by typing an action argument as `HTTP::Request`.
  def post_body(expected : String, request : HTTP::Request) : Bool
    expected == request.body.try &.gets_to_end


# GET /athena/index"                   # => <h1>Welcome to my website!</h1>
# GET /athena/users"                   # => [{"id":1,...},...]
# GET /athena/wakeup/17"               # => Morning, Allison it is currently 2020-02-01 18:38:12 UTC.
# GET /athena/me"                      # => "Jim"
# GET /athena/add/50/25"               # => 75
# GET /athena/event/foobar?time=1:1:1" # => "foobar occurred at 1:1:1"
# GET /athena/events"                  # => {"user_id":null,"page":1}
# GET /athena/events/17?user_id=19"    # => {"user_id":19,"page":17}
# GET /athena/time/12:45:30"           # => "12:45:30"
# GET /athena/time/12:aa:30"           # => 404 not found
# GET /athena/no_content"              # => 204 no content
# POST /athena/test/foo", body: "foo"  # => true

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Macro Summary

Instance Method Detail

def generate_url(route : String, params : Hash(String, _) | Nil = nil, reference_type : ART::URLGeneratorInterface::ReferenceType = :absolute_path) : String #

Generates a URL to the provided route with the provided params.

See ART::URLGeneratorInterface#generate.

[View source]
def generate_url(route : String, reference_type : ART::URLGeneratorInterface::ReferenceType = :absolute_path, **params) #

Generates a URL to the provided route with the provided params.

See ART::URLGeneratorInterface#generate.

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def redirect(url : String | Path, status : HTTP::Status = HTTP::Status::FOUND) : ART::RedirectResponse #

Returns an ART::RedirectResponse to the provided url, optionally with the provided status.

class ExampleController < ART::Controller
  def redirect_to_google : ART::RedirectResponse
    self.redirect "https://google.com"

[View source]
def redirect_to_route(route : String, params : Hash(String, _) | Nil = nil, status : HTTP::Status = :found) : ART::RedirectResponse #

Returns an ART::RedirectResponse to the provided route with the provided params.

require "athena"

class ExampleController < ART::Controller
  # Define a route to redirect to, explicitly naming this route `add`.
  # The default route name is controller + method down snake-cased; e.x. `example_controller_add`.
  @[ARTA::Get("/add/:value1/:value2", name: "add")]
  def add(value1 : Int32, value2 : Int32, negative : Bool = false) : Int32
    sum = value1 + value2
    negative ? -sum : sum

  # Define a route that redirects to the `add` route with fixed parameters.
  def redirect : ART::RedirectResponse
    self.redirect_to_route "add", {"value1" => 8, "value2" => 2}


# GET / # => 10

[View source]
def redirect_to_route(route : String, status : HTTP::Status = :found, **params) : ART::RedirectResponse #

Returns an ART::RedirectResponse to the provided route with the provided params.

require "athena"

class ExampleController < ART::Controller
  # Define a route to redirect to, explicitly naming this route `add`.
  # The default route name is controller + method down snake-cased; e.x. `example_controller_add`.
  @[ARTA::Get("/add/:value1/:value2", name: "add")]
  def add(value1 : Int32, value2 : Int32, negative : Bool = false) : Int32
    sum = value1 + value2
    negative ? -sum : sum

  # Define a route that redirects to the `add` route with fixed parameters.
  def redirect : ART::RedirectResponse
    self.redirect_to_route "add", value1: 8, value2: 2


# GET / # => 10

[View source]

Macro Detail

macro delete(path, *args, **named_args, &) #

Helper DSL macro for creating DELETE actions.

The first argument is the path that the action should handle; which maps to path on the HTTP method annotation. The second argument is a variable amount of arguments with a syntax similar to Crystal's record. There are also a few optional named arguments that map to the corresponding field on the HTTP method annotation.

The macro simply defines a method based on the options passed to it. Additional annotations, such as for query params or a param converter can simply be added on top of the macro.

Optional Named Arguments

  • return_type - The return type to set for the action. Defaults to String if not provided.
  • constraints - Any constraints that should be applied to the route.


class ExampleController < ART::Controller
  delete "values/:value1/:value2", value1 : Int32, value2 : Float64, constraints: {"value1" => /\d+/, "value2" => /\d+\.\d+/} do
    "Value1: #{value1} - Value2: #{value2}"

[View source]
macro get(path, *args, **named_args, &) #

Helper DSL macro for creating GET actions.

The first argument is the path that the action should handle; which maps to path on the HTTP method annotation. The second argument is a variable amount of arguments with a syntax similar to Crystal's record. There are also a few optional named arguments that map to the corresponding field on the HTTP method annotation.

The macro simply defines a method based on the options passed to it. Additional annotations, such as for query params or a param converter can simply be added on top of the macro.

Optional Named Arguments

  • return_type - The return type to set for the action. Defaults to String if not provided.
  • constraints - Any constraints that should be applied to the route.


class ExampleController < ART::Controller
  get "values/:value1/:value2", value1 : Int32, value2 : Float64, constraints: {"value1" => /\d+/, "value2" => /\d+\.\d+/} do
    "Value1: #{value1} - Value2: #{value2}"

[View source]
macro head(path, *args, **named_args, &) #

Helper DSL macro for creating HEAD actions.

The first argument is the path that the action should handle; which maps to path on the HTTP method annotation. The second argument is a variable amount of arguments with a syntax similar to Crystal's record. There are also a few optional named arguments that map to the corresponding field on the HTTP method annotation.

The macro simply defines a method based on the options passed to it. Additional annotations, such as for query params or a param converter can simply be added on top of the macro.

Optional Named Arguments

  • return_type - The return type to set for the action. Defaults to String if not provided.
  • constraints - Any constraints that should be applied to the route.


class ExampleController < ART::Controller
  head "values/:value1/:value2", value1 : Int32, value2 : Float64, constraints: {"value1" => /\d+/, "value2" => /\d+\.\d+/} do
    "Value1: #{value1} - Value2: #{value2}"

[View source]
macro link(path, *args, **named_args, &) #

Helper DSL macro for creating LINK actions.

The first argument is the path that the action should handle; which maps to path on the HTTP method annotation. The second argument is a variable amount of arguments with a syntax similar to Crystal's record. There are also a few optional named arguments that map to the corresponding field on the HTTP method annotation.

The macro simply defines a method based on the options passed to it. Additional annotations, such as for query params or a param converter can simply be added on top of the macro.

Optional Named Arguments

  • return_type - The return type to set for the action. Defaults to String if not provided.
  • constraints - Any constraints that should be applied to the route.


class ExampleController < ART::Controller
  link "values/:value1/:value2", value1 : Int32, value2 : Float64, constraints: {"value1" => /\d+/, "value2" => /\d+\.\d+/} do
    "Value1: #{value1} - Value2: #{value2}"

[View source]
macro patch(path, *args, **named_args, &) #

Helper DSL macro for creating PATCH actions.

The first argument is the path that the action should handle; which maps to path on the HTTP method annotation. The second argument is a variable amount of arguments with a syntax similar to Crystal's record. There are also a few optional named arguments that map to the corresponding field on the HTTP method annotation.

The macro simply defines a method based on the options passed to it. Additional annotations, such as for query params or a param converter can simply be added on top of the macro.

Optional Named Arguments

  • return_type - The return type to set for the action. Defaults to String if not provided.
  • constraints - Any constraints that should be applied to the route.


class ExampleController < ART::Controller
  patch "values/:value1/:value2", value1 : Int32, value2 : Float64, constraints: {"value1" => /\d+/, "value2" => /\d+\.\d+/} do
    "Value1: #{value1} - Value2: #{value2}"

[View source]
macro post(path, *args, **named_args, &) #

Helper DSL macro for creating POST actions.

The first argument is the path that the action should handle; which maps to path on the HTTP method annotation. The second argument is a variable amount of arguments with a syntax similar to Crystal's record. There are also a few optional named arguments that map to the corresponding field on the HTTP method annotation.

The macro simply defines a method based on the options passed to it. Additional annotations, such as for query params or a param converter can simply be added on top of the macro.

Optional Named Arguments

  • return_type - The return type to set for the action. Defaults to String if not provided.
  • constraints - Any constraints that should be applied to the route.


class ExampleController < ART::Controller
  post "values/:value1/:value2", value1 : Int32, value2 : Float64, constraints: {"value1" => /\d+/, "value2" => /\d+\.\d+/} do
    "Value1: #{value1} - Value2: #{value2}"

[View source]
macro put(path, *args, **named_args, &) #

Helper DSL macro for creating PUT actions.

The first argument is the path that the action should handle; which maps to path on the HTTP method annotation. The second argument is a variable amount of arguments with a syntax similar to Crystal's record. There are also a few optional named arguments that map to the corresponding field on the HTTP method annotation.

The macro simply defines a method based on the options passed to it. Additional annotations, such as for query params or a param converter can simply be added on top of the macro.

Optional Named Arguments

  • return_type - The return type to set for the action. Defaults to String if not provided.
  • constraints - Any constraints that should be applied to the route.


class ExampleController < ART::Controller
  put "values/:value1/:value2", value1 : Int32, value2 : Float64, constraints: {"value1" => /\d+/, "value2" => /\d+\.\d+/} do
    "Value1: #{value1} - Value2: #{value2}"

[View source]
macro render(template) #

Renders a template.

Uses ECR to render the template, creating an ART::Response with its rendered content and adding a text/html content-type header.

The response can be modified further before returning it if needed.

Variables used within the template must be defined within the action's body manually if they are not provided within the action's arguments.

# greeting.ecr
Greetings, <%= name %>!

# example_controller.cr
class ExampleController < ART::Controller
  def greet(name : String) : ART::Response
    render "greeting.ecr"


# GET /Fred # => Greetings, Fred!

[View source]
macro render(template, layout) #

Renders a template within a layout.

# layout.ecr
<h1>Content:</h1> <%= content -%>

# greeting.ecr
Greetings, <%= name %>!

# example_controller.cr
class ExampleController < ART::Controller
  def greet(name : String) : ART::Response
    render "greeting.ecr", "layout.ecr"


# GET /Fred # => <h1>Content:</h1> Greetings, Fred!

[View source]
macro unlink(path, *args, **named_args, &) #

Helper DSL macro for creating UNLINK actions.

The first argument is the path that the action should handle; which maps to path on the HTTP method annotation. The second argument is a variable amount of arguments with a syntax similar to Crystal's record. There are also a few optional named arguments that map to the corresponding field on the HTTP method annotation.

The macro simply defines a method based on the options passed to it. Additional annotations, such as for query params or a param converter can simply be added on top of the macro.

Optional Named Arguments

  • return_type - The return type to set for the action. Defaults to String if not provided.
  • constraints - Any constraints that should be applied to the route.


class ExampleController < ART::Controller
  unlink "values/:value1/:value2", value1 : Int32, value2 : Float64, constraints: {"value1" => /\d+/, "value2" => /\d+\.\d+/} do
    "Value1: #{value1} - Value2: #{value2}"

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