class Athena::Routing::Router


Default implementation of ARTA::RouterInterface.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Athena::Routing::RouterInterface

route_collection : ART::RouteCollection route_collection

Instance methods inherited from module Athena::Routing::URLGeneratorInterface

generate(route : String, params : Hash(String, _) | Nil = nil, reference_type : ART::URLGeneratorInterface::ReferenceType = :absolute_path) : String generate

Instance methods inherited from module Athena::Routing::RequestMatcherInterface

match(request : HTTP::Request) : Amber::Router::RoutedResult(Athena::Routing::ActionBase) match

Constructor Detail

def : ART::RequestStore, base_uri : URI | Nil) #

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Instance Method Detail

def generate(route : String, params : Hash(String, _) | Nil = nil, reference_type : ART::URLGeneratorInterface::ReferenceType = :absolute_path) : String #


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def match(request : HTTP::Request) : Amber::Router::RoutedResult(Athena::Routing::ActionBase) #

Matches the provided request with its related ART::Action.

OPTIMIZE Possibly raise a non ART::Exceptions::HTTPException here to allow caller to determine what to do.

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def route_collection : ART::RouteCollection #

Returns the ART::RouteCollection associated with this router.

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