class Athena::Routing::Exceptions::HTTPException


Represents an HTTP error.

Each child represents a specific HTTP error with the associated status code. Also optionally allows adding headers to the resulting response.

Can be used directly/inherited from to represent non-typical HTTP errors/codes.

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Exception

to_json(builder : JSON::Builder) : Nil to_json

Constructor Detail

def : HTTP::Status, message : String, cause : Exception | Nil = nil, headers : HTTP::Headers = #

Instantiates self with the given status and message.

Optionally includes cause, and headers.

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def : Int32, message : String, cause : Exception | Nil = nil, headers : HTTP::Headers = #

Instantiates self with the given status_code and message.

Optionally includes cause, and headers.

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Instance Method Detail

def headers : HTTP::Headers #

Any HTTP response headers associated with self.

Some HTTP errors use response headers to give additional information about self.

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def headers=(headers : HTTP::Headers) #

Any HTTP response headers associated with self.

Some HTTP errors use response headers to give additional information about self.

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def status : HTTP::Status #

The HTTP::Status associated with self.

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def status_code : Int32 #

Returns the HTTP status code of #status.

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def to_json(builder : JSON::Builder) : Nil #

Serializes self to JSON in the format of {"code":400,"message":"Exception message"}

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