struct Athena::Routing::Arguments::ArgumentMetadata(T)


Represents a controller action argument. Stores metadata associated with it, such as its name, type, and default value if any.

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Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String, has_default : Bool, is_nilable : Bool = false, default : T | Nil = nil, type : T.class = T) #

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Instance Method Detail

def default : T | Nil #

The default value of the argument, if any.

See ART::Arguments::Resolvers::DefaultValue.

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def has_default? : Bool #

If this argument has a default value.

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def name : String #

The name of the argument.

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def nilable? : Bool #

If nil is a valid argument for the argument.

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def type : T.class #

The type of the parameter, i.e. what its type restriction is.

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