enum Glint::Input::Keyboard::Key

Defined in:


Enum Members

Null = 0

The Null key.

Null = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Null
Apostrophe = 39

The Apostrophe key.

Apostrophe = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Apostrophe
Comma = 44

The Comma key.

Comma = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Comma
Minus = 45

The Minus key.

Minus = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Minus
Period = 46

The Period key.

Period = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Period
Slash = 47

The Slash key.

Slash = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Slash
Zero = 48

The Zero key.

Zero = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Zero
One = 49

The One key.

One = Raylib::KeyboardKey::One
Two = 50

The Two key.

Two = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Two
Three = 51

The Three key.

Three = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Three
Four = 52

The Four key.

Four = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Four
Five = 53

The Five key.

Five = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Five
Six = 54

The Six key.

Six = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Six
Seven = 55

The Seven key.

Seven = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Seven
Eight = 56

The Eight key.

Eight = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Eight
Nine = 57

The Nine key.

Nine = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Nine
Semicolon = 59

The Semicolon key.

Semicolon = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Semicolon
Equal = 61

The Equal key.

Equal = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Equal
A = 65

The A key.

A = Raylib::KeyboardKey::A
B = 66

The B key.

B = Raylib::KeyboardKey::B
C = 67

The C key.

C = Raylib::KeyboardKey::C
D = 68

The D key.

D = Raylib::KeyboardKey::D
E = 69

The E key.

E = Raylib::KeyboardKey::E
F = 70

The F key.

F = Raylib::KeyboardKey::F
G = 71

The G key.

G = Raylib::KeyboardKey::G
H = 72

The H key.

H = Raylib::KeyboardKey::H
I = 73

The I key.

I = Raylib::KeyboardKey::I
J = 74

The J key.

J = Raylib::KeyboardKey::J
K = 75

The K key.

K = Raylib::KeyboardKey::K
L = 76

The L key.

L = Raylib::KeyboardKey::L
M = 77

The M key.

M = Raylib::KeyboardKey::M
N = 78

The N key.

N = Raylib::KeyboardKey::N
O = 79

The O key.

O = Raylib::KeyboardKey::O
P = 80

The P key.

P = Raylib::KeyboardKey::P
Q = 81

The Q key.

Q = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Q
R = 82

The R key.

R = Raylib::KeyboardKey::R
S = 83

The S key.

S = Raylib::KeyboardKey::S
T = 84

The T key.

T = Raylib::KeyboardKey::T
U = 85

The U key.

U = Raylib::KeyboardKey::U
V = 86

The V key.

V = Raylib::KeyboardKey::V
W = 87

The W key.

W = Raylib::KeyboardKey::W
X = 88

The X key.

X = Raylib::KeyboardKey::X
Y = 89

The Y key.

Y = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Y
Z = 90

The Z key.

Z = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Z
LeftBracket = 91

The LeftBracket key.

LeftBracket = Raylib::KeyboardKey::LeftBracket
Backslash = 92

The Backslash key.

Backslash = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Backslash
RightBracket = 93

The RightBracket key.

RightBracket = Raylib::KeyboardKey::RightBracket
Grave = 96

The Grave key.

Grave = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Grave
Space = 32

The Space key.

Space = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Space
Enter = 257

The Enter key.

Enter = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Enter
Tab = 258

The Tab key.

Tab = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Tab
Backspace = 259

The Backspace key.

Backspace = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Backspace
Insert = 260

The Insert key.

Insert = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Insert
Delete = 261

The Delete key.

Delete = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Delete
Right = 262

The Right key.

Right = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Right
Left = 263

The Left key.

Left = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Left
Down = 264

The Down key.

Down = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Down
Up = 265

The Up key.

Up = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Up
PageUp = 266

The PageUp key.

PageUp = Raylib::KeyboardKey::PageUp
PageDown = 267

The PageDown key.

PageDown = Raylib::KeyboardKey::PageDown
Home = 268

The Home key.

Home = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Home
End = 269

The End key.

End = Raylib::KeyboardKey::End
CapsLock = 280

The CapsLock key.

CapsLock = Raylib::KeyboardKey::CapsLock
ScrollLock = 281

The ScrollLock key.

ScrollLock = Raylib::KeyboardKey::ScrollLock
NumLock = 282

The NumLock key.

NumLock = Raylib::KeyboardKey::NumLock
PrintScreen = 283

The PrintScreen key.

PrintScreen = Raylib::KeyboardKey::PrintScreen
Pause = 284

The Pause key.

Pause = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Pause
F1 = 290

The F1 key.

F1 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::F1
F2 = 291

The F2 key.

F2 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::F2
F3 = 292

The F3 key.

F3 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::F3
F4 = 293

The F4 key.

F4 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::F4
F5 = 294

The F5 key.

F5 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::F5
F6 = 295

The F6 key.

F6 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::F6
F7 = 296

The F7 key.

F7 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::F7
F8 = 297

The F8 key.

F8 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::F8
F9 = 298

The F9 key.

F9 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::F9
F10 = 299

The F10 key.

F10 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::F10
F11 = 300

The F11 key.

F11 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::F11
F12 = 301

The F12 key.

F12 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::F12
LeftShift = 340

The LeftShift key.

LeftShift = Raylib::KeyboardKey::LeftShift
LeftControl = 341

The LeftControl key.

LeftControl = Raylib::KeyboardKey::LeftControl
LeftAlt = 342

The LeftAlt key.

LeftAlt = Raylib::KeyboardKey::LeftAlt
LeftSuper = 343

The LeftSuper key.

LeftSuper = Raylib::KeyboardKey::LeftSuper
RightShift = 344

The RightShift key.

RightShift = Raylib::KeyboardKey::RightShift
RightControl = 345

The RightControl key.

RightControl = Raylib::KeyboardKey::RightControl
RightAlt = 346

The RightAlt key.

RightAlt = Raylib::KeyboardKey::RightAlt
RightSuper = 347

The RightSuper key.

RightSuper = Raylib::KeyboardKey::RightSuper
KbMenu = 348

The KbMenu key.

KbMenu = Raylib::KeyboardKey::KbMenu
Kp0 = 320

The Kp0 key.

Kp0 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Kp0
Kp1 = 321

The Kp1 key.

Kp1 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Kp1
Kp2 = 322

The Kp2 key.

Kp2 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Kp2
Kp3 = 323

The Kp3 key.

Kp3 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Kp3
Kp4 = 324

The Kp4 key.

Kp4 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Kp4
Kp5 = 325

The Kp5 key.

Kp5 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Kp5
Kp6 = 326

The Kp6 key.

Kp6 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Kp6
Kp7 = 327

The Kp7 key.

Kp7 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Kp7
Kp8 = 328

The Kp8 key.

Kp8 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Kp8
Kp9 = 329

The Kp9 key.

Kp9 = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Kp9
KpDecimal = 330

The KpDecimal key.

KpDecimal = Raylib::KeyboardKey::KpDecimal
KpDivide = 331

The KpDivide key.

KpDivide = Raylib::KeyboardKey::KpDivide
KpMultiply = 332

The KpMultiply key.

KpMultiply = Raylib::KeyboardKey::KpMultiply
KpSubtract = 333

The KpSubtract key.

KpSubtract = Raylib::KeyboardKey::KpSubtract
KpAdd = 334

The KpAdd key.

KpAdd = Raylib::KeyboardKey::KpAdd
KpEnter = 335

The KpEnter key.

KpEnter = Raylib::KeyboardKey::KpEnter
KpEqual = 336

The KpEqual key.

KpEqual = Raylib::KeyboardKey::KpEqual
Back = 4

The Back key.

Back = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Back
Menu = 82

The Menu key.

Menu = Raylib::KeyboardKey::Menu
VolumeUp = 24

The VolumeUp key.

VolumeUp = Raylib::KeyboardKey::VolumeUp
VolumeDown = 25

The VolumeDown key.

VolumeDown = Raylib::KeyboardKey::VolumeDown

Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def a? #

[View source]
def apostrophe? #

[View source]
def b? #

[View source]
def back? #

[View source]
def backslash? #

[View source]
def backspace? #

[View source]
def c? #

[View source]
def caps_lock? #

[View source]
def comma? #

[View source]
def d? #

[View source]
def delete? #

[View source]
def down? #

[View source]
def e? #

[View source]
def eight? #

[View source]
def end? #

[View source]
def enter? #

[View source]
def equal? #

[View source]
def f10? #

[View source]
def f11? #

[View source]
def f12? #

[View source]
def f1? #

[View source]
def f2? #

[View source]
def f3? #

[View source]
def f4? #

[View source]
def f5? #

[View source]
def f6? #

[View source]
def f7? #

[View source]
def f8? #

[View source]
def f9? #

[View source]
def f? #

[View source]
def five? #

[View source]
def four? #

[View source]
def g? #

[View source]
def grave? #

[View source]
def h? #

[View source]
def home? #

[View source]
def i? #

[View source]
def insert? #

[View source]
def is_down? : Bool #

Returns whether the Key is in the down state.

def is_down? : Bool
  Raylib.key_down? self

[View source]
def is_pressed? : Bool #

Returns whether the Key is in the pressed state.

def is_pressed? : Bool
  Raylib.key_pressed? self

[View source]
def is_released? : Bool #

Returns whether the Key is in the released state.

def is_released? : Bool
  Raylib.key_released? self

[View source]
def is_up? : Bool #

Returns whether the Key is in the up state.

def is_up? : Bool
  Raylib.key_up? self

[View source]
def j? #

[View source]
def k? #

[View source]
def kb_menu? #

[View source]
def kp0? #

[View source]
def kp1? #

[View source]
def kp2? #

[View source]
def kp3? #

[View source]
def kp4? #

[View source]
def kp5? #

[View source]
def kp6? #

[View source]
def kp7? #

[View source]
def kp8? #

[View source]
def kp9? #

[View source]
def kp_add? #

[View source]
def kp_decimal? #

[View source]
def kp_divide? #

[View source]
def kp_enter? #

[View source]
def kp_equal? #

[View source]
def kp_multiply? #

[View source]
def kp_subtract? #

[View source]
def l? #

[View source]
def left? #

[View source]
def left_alt? #

[View source]
def left_bracket? #

[View source]
def left_control? #

[View source]
def left_shift? #

[View source]
def left_super? #

[View source]
def m? #

[View source]
def menu? #

[View source]
def minus? #

[View source]
def n? #

[View source]
def nine? #

[View source]
def null? #

[View source]
def num_lock? #

[View source]
def o? #

[View source]
def one? #

[View source]
def p? #

[View source]
def page_down? #

[View source]
def page_up? #

[View source]
def pause? #

[View source]
def period? #

[View source]
def print_screen? #

[View source]
def q? #

[View source]
def r? #

[View source]
def right? #

[View source]
def right_alt? #

[View source]
def right_bracket? #

[View source]
def right_control? #

[View source]
def right_shift? #

[View source]
def right_super? #

[View source]
def s? #

[View source]
def scroll_lock? #

[View source]
def semicolon? #

[View source]
def seven? #

[View source]
def six? #

[View source]
def slash? #

[View source]
def space? #

[View source]
def t? #

[View source]
def tab? #

[View source]
def three? #

[View source]
def two? #

[View source]
def u? #

[View source]
def up? #

[View source]
def v? #

[View source]
def volume_down? #

[View source]
def volume_up? #

[View source]
def w? #

[View source]
def x? #

[View source]
def y? #

[View source]
def z? #

[View source]
def zero? #

[View source]