struct Google::Maps::RouteOptimization::Visit
- Google::Maps::RouteOptimization::Visit
- Struct
- Value
- Object
A visit performed during a route. This visit corresponds to a pickup or delivery of a Shipment
Included Modules
- Google::Resource
- JSON::Serializable
- MessagePack::Serializable
Extended Modules
- JSON::Schema
Defined in:
Instance Method Summary
#detour : String
Extra detour time due to the shipments visited on the route before the visit
#is_pickup : Bool
If true the visit corresponds to a pickup of a Shipment.
#load_demands : Hash(String, Load)
Total visit load demand
#shipment_index : Int32
Index of the shipments field in the source ShipmentModel
#shipment_label : String | Nil
Copy of the corresponding Shipment.label
#start_time : Time
Time at which the visit starts
#visit_label : String | Nil
Copy of the corresponding VisitRequest.label
#visit_request_index : Int32
Index of VisitRequest in either the pickup or delivery field of the Shipment
Macros inherited from module Google::Resource
define(name, *fields)
field(var, key = nil, **options, &block)
field!(var, key = nil, **options, &block)
field?(var, key = nil, **options, &block)
Constructor Detail
Instance Method Detail
def is_pickup : Bool
If true the visit corresponds to a pickup of a Shipment. Otherwise, it corresponds to a delivery
def visit_request_index : Int32
Index of VisitRequest in either the pickup or delivery field of the Shipment