struct Google::Maps::RouteOptimization::OptimizeToursRequest

Included Modules

Extended Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Macros inherited from module Google::Resource

define(name, *fields) define, field(var, key = nil, **options, &block) field, field!(var, key = nil, **options, &block) field!, field?(var, key = nil, **options, &block) field?

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

def : MessagePack::Unpacker) #

Instance Method Detail

def allow_large_deadline_despite_interruption_risk? : Bool #

If this is set, then the request can have a deadline (see of up to 60 minutes. Otherwise, the maximum deadline is only 30 minutes. Note that long-lived requests have a significantly larger (but still small) risk of interruption.

def consider_road_traffic? : Bool #

Consider traffic estimation in calculating ShipmentRoute fields Transition.travel_duration, Visit.start_time, and vehicleEndTime; in setting the ShipmentRoute.has_traffic_infeasibilities field, and in calculating the OptimizeToursResponse.total_cost field.

def geodesic_meters_per_second : Float64 #

When useGeodesicDistances is true, this field must be set and defines the speed applied to compute travel times. Its value must be at least 1.0 meters/seconds.

def injected_first_solution_routes : Array(ShipmentRoute) #

Guide the optimization algorithm in finding a first solution that is similar to a previous solution.

The model is constrained when the first solution is built. Any shipments not performed on a route are implicitly skipped in the first solution, but they may be performed in successive solutions.

The solution must satisfy some basic validity assumptions:

  • for all routes, vehicleIndex must be in range and not be duplicated.
  • for all visits, shipmentIndex and visitRequestIndex must be in range.
  • a shipment may only be referenced on one route.
  • the pickup of a pickup-delivery shipment must be performed before the delivery.
  • no more than one pickup alternative or delivery alternative of a shipment may be performed.
  • for all routes, times are increasing (i.e., vehicleStartTime <= visits[0].start_time <= visits[1].start_time ... <= vehicleEndTime).
  • a shipment may only be performed on a vehicle that is allowed. A vehicle is allowed if Shipment.allowed_vehicle_indices is empty or its vehicleIndex is included in Shipment.allowed_vehicle_indices.

If the injected solution is not feasible, a validation error is not necessarily returned and an error indicating infeasibility may be returned instead.

def injected_solution_constraint : InjectedSolutionConstraint | Nil #

Constrain the optimization algorithm to find a final solution that is similar to a previous solution. For example, this may be used to freeze portions of routes which have already been completed or which are to be completed but must not be modified.

If the injected solution is not feasible, a validation error is not necessarily returned and an error indicating infeasibility may be returned instead.

def interpret_injected_solutions_using_labels : Bool #

If true:

  • uses ShipmentRoute.vehicle_label instead of vehicleIndex to match routes in an injected solution with vehicles in the request; reuses the mapping of original ShipmentRoute.vehicle_index to new ShipmentRoute.vehicle_index to update ConstraintRelaxation.vehicle_indices if non-empty, but the mapping must be unambiguous (i.e., multiple ShipmentRoutes must not share the same original vehicleIndex).
  • uses ShipmentRoute.Visit.shipment_label instead of shipmentIndex to match visits in an injected solution with shipments in the request;
  • uses SkippedShipment.label instead of SkippedShipment.index to match skipped shipments in the injected solution with request shipments.

This interpretation applies to the injectedFirstSolutionRoutes, injectedSolutionConstraint, and refreshDetailsRoutes fields. It can be used when shipment or vehicle indices in the request have changed since the solution was created, perhaps because shipments or vehicles have been removed from or added to the request.

If true, labels in the following categories must appear at most once in their category:

  • Vehicle.label in the request;
  • Shipment.label in the request;
  • ShipmentRoute.vehicle_label in the injected solution;
  • SkippedShipment.label and ShipmentRoute.Visit.shipment_label in the injected solution (except pickup/delivery visit pairs, whose shipmentLabel must appear twice).

If a vehicleLabel in the injected solution does not correspond to a request vehicle, the corresponding route is removed from the solution along with its visits. If a shipmentLabel in the injected solution does not correspond to a request shipment, the corresponding visit is removed from the solution. If a SkippedShipment.label in the injected solution does not correspond to a request shipment, the SkippedShipment is removed from the solution.

Removing route visits or entire routes from an injected solution may have an effect on the implied constraints, which may lead to change in solution, validation errors, or infeasibility.

NOTE The caller must ensure that each Vehicle.label (resp. Shipment.label) uniquely identifies a vehicle (resp. shipment) entity used across the two relevant requests: the past request that produced the OptimizeToursResponse used in the injected solution and the current request that includes the injected solution. The uniqueness checks described above are not enough to guarantee this requirement.

def label : String #

Label that may be used to identify this request, reported back in the OptimizeToursResponse.request_label.

def max_validation_errors : Int32 #

Truncates the number of validation errors returned. These errors are typically attached to an INVALID_ARGUMENT error payload as a BadRequest error detail (, unless solvingMode=VALIDATE_ONLY: see the OptimizeToursResponse.validation_errors field. This defaults to 100 and is capped at 10,000.

def model : ShipmentModel #

Shipment model to solve.

def populate_polylines? : Bool #

If true, polylines will be populated in response ShipmentRoutes.

def populate_transition_polylines? : Bool #

If true, polylines and route tokens will be populated in response ShipmentRoute.transitions.

def refresh_details_routes : Array(ShipmentRoute) #

If non-empty, the given routes will be refreshed, without modifying their underlying sequence of visits or travel times: only other details will be updated. This does not solve the model.

As of 2020/11, this only populates the polylines of non-empty routes and requires that populatePolylines is true.

The routePolyline fields of the passed-in routes may be inconsistent with route transitions.

This field must not be used together with injectedFirstSolutionRoutes or injectedSolutionConstraint.

Shipment.ignore and Vehicle.ignore have no effect on the behavior. Polylines are still populated between all visits in all non-empty routes regardless of whether the related shipments or vehicles are ignored.

def search_mode : SearchMode #

Search mode used to solve the request.

def solving_mode : SolvingMode #

By default, the solving mode is SolvingMode::DEFAULT_SOLVE.

def timeout : Time::Span #

If this timeout is set, the server returns a response before the timeout period has elapsed or the server deadline for synchronous requests is reached, whichever is sooner.

For asynchronous requests, the server will generate a solution (if possible) before the timeout has elapsed.

def use_geodesic_distances? : Bool #

If true, travel distances will be computed using geodesic distances instead of Google Maps distances, and travel times will be computed using geodesic distances with a speed defined by geodesicMetersPerSecond.