struct Google::Maps::RouteOptimization::OptimizeToursValidationError
- Google::Maps::RouteOptimization::OptimizeToursValidationError
- Struct
- Value
- Object
Describes an error or warning encountered when validating an OptimizeToursRequest
Included Modules
- Google::Resource
- JSON::Serializable
- MessagePack::Serializable
Extended Modules
- JSON::Schema
Defined in:
Instance Method Summary
#code : Int32
A validation error is defined by the pair (code, displayName) which are always present
#display_name : String
The error display name
#error_message : String
Human-readable string describing the error
#fields : Array(FieldReference)
Context fields for the error
#offending_values : String | Nil
May contain the value(s) of the field(s).
Macros inherited from module Google::Resource
define(name, *fields)
field(var, key = nil, **options, &block)
field!(var, key = nil, **options, &block)
field?(var, key = nil, **options, &block)
Constructor Detail
Instance Method Detail
def code : Int32
A validation error is defined by the pair (code, displayName) which are always present
def offending_values : String | Nil
May contain the value(s) of the field(s). This is not always available. Use only for manual model debugging.