struct Google::Maps::RouteOptimization::Metrics
- Google::Maps::RouteOptimization::Metrics
- Struct
- Value
- Object
Included Modules
- Google::Resource
- JSON::Serializable
- MessagePack::Serializable
Extended Modules
- JSON::Schema
Defined in:
Instance Method Summary
#aggregated_route_metrics : AggregatedMetrics
Aggregated over the routes.
#costs : Hash(String, Float64)
Cost of the solution, broken down by cost-related request fields.
#earliest_vehicle_start_time : Time
The earliest start time for a used vehicle, computed as the minimum over all used vehicles of ShipmentRoute.vehicle_start_time.
#latest_vehicle_end_time : Time
The latest end time for a used vehicle, computed as the maximum over all used vehicles of ShipmentRoute.vehicle_end_time.
#skipped_mandatory_shipment_count : Int64
Number of mandatory shipments skipped.
- #total_cost : Float64
#used_vehicle_count : Int64
Number of vehicles used.
Macros inherited from module Google::Resource
define(name, *fields)
field(var, key = nil, **options, &block)
field!(var, key = nil, **options, &block)
field?(var, key = nil, **options, &block)
Constructor Detail
Instance Method Detail
Aggregated over the routes. Each metric is the sum (or max, for loads) over all ShipmentRoute.metrics fields of the same name.
Cost of the solution, broken down by cost-related request fields. The keys are proto paths, relative to the input OptimizeToursRequest, e.g. "model.shipments.pickups.cost", and the values are the total cost generated by the corresponding cost field, aggregated over the whole solution. In other words, costs["model.shipments.pickups.cost"] is the sum of all pickup costs over the solution. All costs defined in the model are reported in detail here with the exception of costs related to TransitionAttributes that are only reported in an aggregated way as of 2022/01.
The earliest start time for a used vehicle, computed as the minimum over all used vehicles of ShipmentRoute.vehicle_start_time.
The latest end time for a used vehicle, computed as the maximum over all used vehicles of ShipmentRoute.vehicle_end_time.
Number of vehicles used. Note: if a vehicle route is empty and Vehicle.used_if_route_is_empty is true, the vehicle is considered used.