struct Google::Maps::RouteOptimization::TimeWindow


Time windows constrain the time of an event

Included Modules

Extended Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Macros inherited from module Google::Resource

define(name, *fields) define, field(var, key = nil, **options, &block) field, field!(var, key = nil, **options, &block) field!, field?(var, key = nil, **options, &block) field?

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

def : MessagePack::Unpacker) #

Instance Method Detail

def cost_per_hour_after_soft_end_time : Float64 | Nil #

Cost per hour added if event occurs after soft_end_time

def cost_per_hour_before_soft_start_time : Float64 | Nil #

Cost per hour added if event occurs before soft_start_time

def end_time : Time #

The hard time window end time

def soft_end_time : Time | Nil #

The soft end time of the time window

def soft_start_time : Time | Nil #

The soft start time of the time window

def start_time : Time #

The hard time window start time