struct Google::Maps::RouteOptimization::Vehicle


Vehicle that can perform shipments in a route

Included Modules

Extended Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Macros inherited from module Google::Resource

define(name, *fields) define, field(var, key = nil, **options, &block) field, field!(var, key = nil, **options, &block) field!, field?(var, key = nil, **options, &block) field?

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

def : MessagePack::Unpacker) #

Instance Method Detail

def break_rule : BreakRule | Nil #

Required break schedule

def cost_per_hour : Float64 | Nil #

Cost per hour of operation

def cost_per_kilometer : Float64 | Nil #

Cost per kilometer traveled

def cost_per_traveled_hour : Float64 | Nil #

Cost per hour of travel time

def display_name : String | Nil #

Display name (up to 63 UTF-8 chars)

def end_location : LatLng | Nil #

Ending location for the route

def end_tags : Array(String) #

Tags for the route end

def end_time_windows : Array(TimeWindow) #

Time windows for arrival

def end_waypoint : Waypoint | Nil #

Ending waypoint for the route

def extra_visit_duration_for_visit_type : Hash(String, String) #

Extra time per visit type

def fixed_cost : Float64 | Nil #

Fixed cost if vehicle is used

def ignore : Bool | Nil #

Whether to skip this vehicle

def label : String | Nil #

Label for this vehicle

def load_limits : Hash(String, LoadLimit) #

Vehicle capacity limits

def route_distance_limit : DistanceLimit | Nil #

Total distance limits

def route_duration_limit : DurationLimit | Nil #

Total route duration limits

def route_modifiers : RouteModifiers | Nil #

Route calculation conditions

def start_location : LatLng | Nil #

Starting location for the route

def start_tags : Array(String) #

Tags for the route start

def start_time_windows : Array(TimeWindow) #

Time windows for departure

def start_waypoint : Waypoint | Nil #

Starting waypoint for the route

def travel_duration_limit : DurationLimit | Nil #

Travel time duration limits

def travel_duration_multiple : Float64 | Nil #

Travel time multiplier

def travel_mode : TravelMode #

Travel mode affecting roads and speed

def unloading_policy : UnloadingPolicy #

Rules for unloading order

def used_if_route_is_empty : Bool | Nil #

Whether counted as used when empty