struct Google::Maps::RouteOptimization::Transition


Transition between two events on the route

Included Modules

Extended Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Macros inherited from module Google::Resource

define(name, *fields) define, field(var, key = nil, **options, &block) field, field!(var, key = nil, **options, &block) field!, field?(var, key = nil, **options, &block) field?

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

def : MessagePack::Unpacker) #

Instance Method Detail

def break_duration : String #

Sum of the duration of the breaks occurring during this transition

def delay_duration : String #

Sum of the delay durations applied to this transition

def route_polyline : EncodedPolyline | Nil #

The encoded polyline representation of the route for this transition

def route_token : String | Nil #

Navigation SDK route token

def start_time : Time #

Start time of this transition

def total_duration : String #

Total duration of the transition

def traffic_info_unavailable : Bool #

Indicates if traffic info couldn't be retrieved when requested

def travel_distance_meters : Float64 #

Distance traveled during the transition

def travel_duration : String #

Travel duration during this transition

def vehicle_loads : Hash(String, VehicleLoad) #

Vehicle loads during this transition

def wait_duration : String #

Time spent waiting during this transition