abstract class Spectator::Result
- Spectator::Result
- Reference
- Object
Base class that represents the outcome of running an example. Sub-classes contain additional information specific to the type of result.
Direct Known Subclasses
Defined in:
.new(elapsed : Time::Span, expectations : Enumerable(Spectator::Expectation) = [] of Expectation)
Creates the result.
Instance Method Summary
Calls the corresponding method for the type of result.
#elapsed : Time::Span
Length of time it took to run the example.
#expectations : Enumerable(Expectation)
The assertions checked in the example.
#fail? : Bool
Indicates whether the example failed.
#pass? : Bool
Indicates whether the example passed.
#pending? : Bool
Indicates whether the example was skipped.
#to_json(json : JSON::Builder)
Creates a JSON object from the result information.
Instance methods inherited from class Object
should(matcher, message = nil)
should_eventually(matcher, message = nil)
should_never(matcher, message = nil)
should_not(matcher, message = nil)
Constructor Detail
def self.new(elapsed : Time::Span, expectations : Enumerable(Spectator::Expectation) = [] of Expectation)
Creates the result. elapsed is the length of time it took to run the example.
Instance Method Detail
def accept(visitor)
Calls the corresponding method for the type of result. This is the visitor design pattern.