class Spectator::Config


Provides customization and describes specifics for how Spectator will run and report tests.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Object

should(matcher, message = nil) should, should_eventually(matcher, message = nil) should_eventually, should_never(matcher, message = nil) should_never, should_not(matcher, message = nil) should_not

Constructor Detail

def self.default : self #

Produces the default configuration.

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def #

Creates a new configuration. Properties are pulled from source. Typically, source is a Config::Builder.

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Instance Method Detail

def formatter : Formatting::Formatter #

Primary formatter all events will be sent to.

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def iterator(group : ExampleGroup) #

Creates an iterator configured to select the filtered examples.

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def node_filter : NodeFilter #

Filter used to select which examples to run.

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def node_reject : NodeFilter #

Filter used to select which examples to not run.

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def random #

Retrieves the configured random number generator. This will produce the same generator with the same seed every time.

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def random_seed : UInt64 #

Seed used for random number generation.

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def run_flags : RunFlags #

Flags indicating how the spec should run.

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def shuffle(items) #

Shuffles the items in an array using the configured random settings. If #randomize? is true, the items are shuffled and returned as a new array. Otherwise, the items are left alone and returned as-is. The array of items is never modified.

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def shuffle!(items) #

Shuffles the items in an array using the configured random settings. If #randomize? is true, the items are shuffled and returned. Otherwise, the items are left alone and returned as-is. The array of items is modified, the items are shuffled in-place.

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