class Spectator::Report
- Spectator::Report
- Reference
- Object
Outcome of all tests in a suite.
Defined in:
.new(examples : Array(Example), runtime : Time::Span, counts : Counts, random_seed : UInt64 | Nil = nil)
Creates the report.
Class Method Summary
.generate(examples : Enumerable(Example), runtime, random_seed = nil)
Generates the report from a set of examples.
Instance Method Summary
#counts : Counts
Number of examples of each result type.
Length of time it took to run just example code.
#examples : Array(Example)
Retrieves all examples that were planned to run as part of the suite.
Returns a collection of all failed examples.
Length of time spent in framework processes and hooks.
Returns a collection of all pending (skipped) examples.
#random_seed : UInt64 | Nil
Seed used for random number generation.
#random_seed? : UInt64 | Nil | Nil
Seed used for random number generation.
#runtime : Time::Span
Total length of time it took to execute the test suite.
Instance methods inherited from class Object
should(matcher, message = nil)
should_eventually(matcher, message = nil)
should_never(matcher, message = nil)
should_not(matcher, message = nil)
Constructor Detail
Creates the report. The examples are all examples in the test suite that were selected to run. The runtime is the total time it took to execute the suite. The counts is the number of examples for each type of result. The random_seed is the seed used for random number generation.
Class Method Detail
Generates the report from a set of examples.
Instance Method Detail
Length of time it took to run just example code. This does not include hooks, but it does include pre- and post-conditions.
Retrieves all examples that were planned to run as part of the suite.
Total length of time it took to execute the test suite. This includes examples, hooks, and framework processes.