module Spectator::DSL::Expectations


Methods and macros for asserting that conditions are met.

Direct including types

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Macro Summary

Instance Method Detail

def aggregate_failures(label = nil, &) #

Captures multiple possible failures. Aborts after the block completes if there were any failed expectations in the block.

aggregate_failures do
  expect(true).to be_false
  expect(false).to be_true

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def fail(message = "Example failed", *, _file = __FILE__, _line = __LINE__) #

Immediately fail the current test. A reason can be specified with message.

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def pending(message = PendingResult::DEFAULT_REASON, *, _file = __FILE__, _line = __LINE__) #

Mark the current test as pending and immediately abort. A reason can be specified with message.

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def skip(message = PendingResult::DEFAULT_REASON, *, _file = __FILE__, _line = __LINE__) #

Mark the current test as skipped and immediately abort. A reason can be specified with message.

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Macro Detail

macro expect(actual) #

Starts an expectation. This should be followed up with Assertion::Target#to or Assertion::Target#to_not. The value passed in will be checked to see if it satisfies the conditions of the specified matcher.

This macro should be used like so:

expect(actual).to eq(expected)

Where the actual value is returned by the system under test, and the expected value is what the actual value should be to satisfy the condition.

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macro expect(&block) #

Starts an expectation. This should be followed up with Assertion::Target#to or Assertion::Target#not_to. The value passed in will be checked to see if it satisfies the conditions of the specified matcher.

This macro should be used like so:

expect { raise "foo" }.to raise_error

The block of code is passed along for validation to the matchers.

The short, one argument syntax used for passing methods to blocks can be used. So instead of doing this:

expect(subject.size).to eq(5)

The following syntax can be used instead:

expect(&.size).to eq(5)

The method passed will always be evaluated on the subject.

TECHNICAL NOTE: This macro uses an ugly hack to detect the short-hand syntax.

The Crystal compiler will translate:


effectively to:

{ |__arg0| }

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macro is(expected) #

Short-hand form of #is_expected that can be used for one-liner syntax.

For instance:

it "is 42" do
  expect(subject).to eq(42)

Can be shortened to:

it { is(42) }

These three are functionally equivalent:

expect(subject).to eq("foo") eq("foo")

See also: #is_not

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macro is_expected #

Short-hand for expecting something of the subject.

These two are functionally equivalent:

expect(subject).to eq("foo") eq("foo")

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macro is_not(expected) #

Short-hand, negated form of #is_expected that can be used for one-liner syntax.

For instance:

it "is not 42" do
  expect(subject).to_not eq(42)

Can be shortened to:

it { is_not(42) }

These three are functionally equivalent:

expect(subject).not_to eq("foo")
is_expected.not_to eq("foo")

See also: #is

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macro should(*args) #

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macro should_eventually(*args) #

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macro should_never(*args) #

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macro should_not(*args) #

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