class Spectator::Formatting::BroadcastFormatter


Reports events to multiple other formatters. Events received by this formatter will be sent to others.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Spectator::Formatting::Formatter

close close, dump_failures(_notification) dump_failures, dump_pending(_notification) dump_pending, dump_profile(_notification) dump_profile, dump_summary(_notification) dump_summary, example_error(_notification) example_error, example_failed(_notification) example_failed, example_finished(_notification) example_finished, example_passed(_notification) example_passed, example_pending(_notification) example_pending, example_started(_notification) example_started, message(_notification) message, start(_notification) start, start_dump start_dump, stop stop

Instance methods inherited from class Object

should(matcher, message = nil) should, should_eventually(matcher, message = nil) should_eventually, should_never(matcher, message = nil) should_never, should_not(matcher, message = nil) should_not

Constructor Detail

def : Enumerable(Formatter)) #

Creates the broadcast formatter. Takes a collection of formatters to pass events along to.

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Instance Method Detail

def close #

Forwards the event to other formatters.

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def dump_failures(notification) #

Forwards the event to other formatters.

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def dump_pending(notification) #

Forwards the event to other formatters.

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def dump_profile(notification) #

Forwards the event to other formatters.

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def dump_summary(notification) #

Forwards the event to other formatters.

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def example_error(notification) #

Forwards the event to other formatters.

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def example_failed(notification) #

Forwards the event to other formatters.

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def example_finished(notification) #

Forwards the event to other formatters.

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def example_passed(notification) #

Forwards the event to other formatters.

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def example_pending(notification) #

Forwards the event to other formatters.

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def example_started(notification) #

Forwards the event to other formatters.

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def message(notification) #

Forwards the event to other formatters.

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def start(notification) #

Forwards the event to other formatters.

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def start_dump #

Forwards the event to other formatters.

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def stop #

Forwards the event to other formatters.

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