abstract class Object


Object is the base type of all Crystal objects.

Included Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def should(matcher, message = nil) #

Extension method to create an expectation for an object. This is part of the spec DSL and mimics Crystal Spec's default should-syntax. A matcher should immediately follow this method, or be the only argument to it. Example usage:

it "equals the expected value" do
  subject.should eq(42)

An optional message can be used in case the expectation fails. It can be a string or proc returning a string.

subject.should_not be_nil, "Shouldn't be nil"

NOTE By default, the should-syntax is disabled. The expect-syntax is preferred, since it doesn't monkey-patch all objects. To enable should-syntax, add the following to your spec_helper.cr file:

require "spectator/should"

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def should_eventually(matcher, message = nil) #

Works the same as #should except that the condition check is postponed. The expectation is checked after the example finishes and all hooks have run.

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def should_never(matcher, message = nil) #

Works the same as #should_not except that the condition check is postponed. The expectation is checked after the example finishes and all hooks have run.

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def should_not(matcher, message = nil) #

Works the same as #should except the condition is inverted. When #should succeeds, this method will fail, and vice-versa.

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