abstract struct Spectator::Matchers::StandardMatcher


Provides common methods for matchers.

The #match and #negated_match methods have an implementation that is suitable for most matchers. Matchers based on this class need to define #match? and #failure_message. If the matcher can be negated, the #failure_message_when_negated method needs to be overridden. Additionally, the #does_not_match? method can be specified if there's custom behavior for negated matches. If the matcher operates on or has extra data that is useful for debug, then the #values and #negated_values methods can be overridden. Finally, define a #description message that can be used for the one-liner "it" syntax.

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from struct Spectator::Matchers::Matcher

description : String description, initialize initialize, match(actual : Expression(T)) : MatchData forall T match, negated_match(actual : Expression(T)) : MatchData forall T negated_match

Constructor methods inherited from struct Spectator::Matchers::Matcher

new new

Instance methods inherited from class Object

should(matcher, message = nil) should, should_eventually(matcher, message = nil) should_eventually, should_never(matcher, message = nil) should_never, should_not(matcher, message = nil) should_not

Instance Method Detail

def match(actual : Expression(T)) : MatchData forall T #

Actually performs the test against the expression (value or block).

This method calls the abstract #match? method. If it returns true, then a SuccessfulMatchData instance is returned. Otherwise, a FailedMatchData instance is returned. Additionally, #failure_message and #values are called for a failed match.

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def negated_match(actual : Expression(T)) : MatchData forall T #

Performs the test against the expression (value or block), but inverted. A successful match with #match should normally fail for this method, and vice-versa.

This method calls the abstract #does_not_match? method. If it returns true, then a SuccessfulMatchData instance is returned. Otherwise, a FailedMatchData instance is returned. Additionally, #failure_message_when_negated and #negated_values are called for a failed match.

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