class LSP::WillSaveWaitUntilRequest


The document will save request is sent from the client to the server before the document is actually saved. The request can return an array of TextEdits which will be applied to the text document before it is saved. Please note that clients might drop results if computing the text edits took too long or if a server constantly fails on this request. This is done to keep the save fast and reliable.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class LSP::RequestMessage(Array(LSP::TextEdit)?)

id : RequestId id, id=(id : RequestId) id=, method : String method, method=(method : String) method=, on_response(raw : JSON::Any | Nil, e : ResponseError | Nil)
on_response(&block : Proc(Result(LSP::TextEdit)? | Nil, ResponseError | Nil, Nil))
, on_response? : Proc(Result(LSP::TextEdit)? | Nil, ResponseError | Nil, Nil) | Nil on_response?

Constructor methods inherited from class LSP::RequestMessage(Array(LSP::TextEdit)?)

new(pull : JSON::PullParser)

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

The document will save request is sent from the client to the server before the document is actually saved. The request can return an array of TextEdits which will be applied to the text document before it is saved. Please note that clients might drop results if computing the text edits took too long or if a server constantly fails on this request. This is done to keep the save fast and reliable.

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def**args) #

Instance Method Detail

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def params=(params : WillSaveTextDocumentParams) #

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