class LSP::DidOpenNotification


The document open notification is sent from the client to the server to signal newly opened text documents. The document’s content is now managed by the client and the server must not try to read the document’s content using the document’s Uri. Open in this sense means it is managed by the client. It doesn’t necessarily mean that its content is presented in an editor. An open notification must not be sent more than once without a corresponding close notification send before. This means open and close notification must be balanced and the max open count for a particular textDocument is one. Note that a server’s ability to fulfill requests is independent of whether a text document is open or closed.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class LSP::NotificationMessage

method : String method, method=(method : String) method=

Constructor methods inherited from class LSP::NotificationMessage

new(pull : JSON::PullParser)

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

The document open notification is sent from the client to the server to signal newly opened text documents. The document’s content is now managed by the client and the server must not try to read the document’s content using the document’s Uri. Open in this sense means it is managed by the client. It doesn’t necessarily mean that its content is presented in an editor. An open notification must not be sent more than once without a corresponding close notification send before. This means open and close notification must be balanced and the max open count for a particular textDocument is one. Note that a server’s ability to fulfill requests is independent of whether a text document is open or closed.

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def**args) #

Instance Method Detail

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def params=(params : DidOpenTextDocumentParams) #

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