class LSP::Command


Represents a reference to a command.

Provides a title which will be used to represent a command in the UI. Commands are identified by a string identifier. The recommended way to handle commands is to implement their execution on the server side if the client and server provides the corresponding capabilities. Alternatively the tool extension code could handle the command. The protocol currently doesn’t specify a set of well-known commands.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

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def**args) #

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Instance Method Detail

def arguments : JSON::Any | Nil #

Arguments that the command handler should be invoked with.

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def arguments=(arguments : JSON::Any | Nil) #

Arguments that the command handler should be invoked with.

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def command : String #

The identifier of the actual command handler.

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def command=(command : String) #

The identifier of the actual command handler.

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def title : String #

Title of the command, like save.

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def title=(title : String) #

Title of the command, like save.

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