enum LSP::MarkupKind


Describes the content type that a client supports in various result literals like Hover, ParameterInfo or CompletionItem.

Please note that MarkupKinds must not start with a $. This kinds are reserved for internal usage.

Defined in:


Enum Members

PlainText = 0
MarkDown = 1


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def self.new(pull : JSON::PullParser) : self #

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Instance Method Detail

def mark_down? #

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def plain_text? #

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def to_json(builder : JSON::Builder) #
Description copied from struct Enum

Serializes this enum member by name.

For non-flags enums, the serialization is a JSON string. The value is the member name (see #to_s) transformed with String#underscore.

enum Stages

Stages::INITIAL.to_json      # => %("initial")
Stages::SECOND_STAGE.to_json # => %("second_stage")

For flags enums, the serialization is a JSON array including every flagged member individually serialized in the same way as a member of a non-flags enum. None is serialized as an empty array, All as an array containing all members.

enum Sides

Sides::LEFT.to_json                  # => %(["left"])
(Sides::LEFT | Sides::RIGHT).to_json # => %(["left","right"])
Sides::All.to_json                   # => %(["left","right"])
Sides::None.to_json                  # => %([])

ValueConverter.to_json offers a different serialization strategy based on the member value.

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def to_s(io : IO) : Nil #
Description copied from struct Enum

Appends a String representation of this enum member to the given io.

See also: #to_s.

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def to_s : String #
Description copied from struct Enum

Returns a String representation of this enum member. In the case of regular enums, this is just the name of the member. In the case of flag enums, it's the names joined by vertical bars, or "None", if the value is zero.

If an enum's value doesn't match a member's value, the raw value is returned as a string.

Color::Red.to_s                     # => "Red"
IOMode::None.to_s                   # => "None"
(IOMode::Read | IOMode::Write).to_s # => "Read | Write"

Color.new(10).to_s # => "10"

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