class LSP::TextDocumentEdit


Describes textual changes on a single text document.

The text document is referred to as a VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier to allow clients to check the text document version before an edit is applied. A TextDocumentEdit describes all changes on a version Si and after they are applied move the document to version Si+1. So the creator of a TextDocumentEdit doesn’t need to sort the array of edits or do any kind of ordering. However the edits must be non overlapping.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

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def**args) #

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Instance Method Detail

def edits : Array(TextEdit) #

The edits to be applied.

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def edits=(edits : Array(TextEdit)) #

The edits to be applied.

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def text_document : VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier #

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def text_document=(text_document : VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier) #

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