class LSP::ShutdownRequest


The shutdown request is sent from the client to the server.

It asks the server to shut down, but to not exit (otherwise the response might not be delivered correctly to the client). There is a separate exit notification that asks the server to exit. Clients must not send any notifications other than exit or requests to a server to which they have sent a shutdown request. If a server receives requests after a shutdown request those requests should error with InvalidRequest.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class LSP::RequestMessage(Nil)

id : RequestId id, id=(id : RequestId) id=, method : String method, method=(method : String) method=, on_response(raw : JSON::Any | Nil, e : ResponseError | Nil)
on_response(&block : Proc(Result | Nil, ResponseError | Nil, Nil))
, on_response? : Proc(Result | Nil, ResponseError | Nil, Nil) | Nil on_response?

Constructor methods inherited from class LSP::RequestMessage(Nil)

new(pull : JSON::PullParser)

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

The shutdown request is sent from the client to the server.

It asks the server to shut down, but to not exit (otherwise the response might not be delivered correctly to the client). There is a separate exit notification that asks the server to exit. Clients must not send any notifications other than exit or requests to a server to which they have sent a shutdown request. If a server receives requests after a shutdown request those requests should error with InvalidRequest.

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def**args) #

Instance Method Detail

def params : Nil #

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def params=(params : Nil) #

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