class PrivateParlorXT::SQLiteHistory
- PrivateParlorXT::SQLiteHistory
- PrivateParlorXT::History
- Reference
- Object
An implementation of History
using the SQLite Database
for storing message data
Defined in:
.new(lifespan : Time::Span, connection : DB::Database)
Initialize a
where messages older thanlifespan
are considered expired
Instance Method Summary
#add_rating(message : MessageID, user : UserID) : Bool
Adds a rating entry to the database with the given data
#add_to_history(origin : MessageID, receiver : MessageID, receiver_id : UserID) : Nil
Add a receiver message to the
#add_warning(message : MessageID) : Nil
Adds a warning to the given message
Closes the databsase connection
#delete_message_group(message : MessageID) : MessageID | Nil
Delete a message group from the
#ensure_schema : Nil
Ensures that there are message_group, receivers, and karma tables in the
#expire : Nil
Deletes old messages from the
#messages_from_user(user : UserID) : Set(MessageID)
Get all message IDs sent by a given user for purging messages
#new_message(sender_id : UserID, origin : MessageID) : MessageID
Create a new message group and add it to the
#origin_message(message : MessageID) : MessageID | Nil
Get the message ID of the original message associated with the given message ID
#purge_receivers(messages : Set(MessageID)) : Hash(UserID, Array(MessageID))
Get a hash containing an array of message IDs to delete associated with the users who received a message in the given set.
#receiver_message(message : MessageID, receiver : UserID) : MessageID | Nil
Get the original message ID associated with the given message ID and receiver ID
#receivers(message : MessageID) : Hash(UserID, MessageID)
Get a hash of all users and receiver message IDs associated with the given message ID
#sender(message : MessageID) : UserID | Nil
Get the sender of the original message referenced by the given message ID
#warned?(message : MessageID) : Bool | Nil
if the given message was already warned;false
or nil otherwise
Instance methods inherited from class PrivateParlorXT::History
add_rating(message : MessageID, user : UserID) : Bool
add_to_history(origin : MessageID, receiver : MessageID, receiver_id : UserID) : Nil
add_warning(message : MessageID) : Nil
delete_message_group(message : MessageID) : MessageID | Nil
expire : Nil
lifespan : Time::Span
messages_from_user(user : UserID) : Set(MessageID)
new_message(sender_id : UserID, origin : MessageID) : MessageID
origin_message(message : MessageID) : MessageID | Nil
purge_receivers(messages : Set(MessageID)) : Hash(UserID, Array(MessageID))
receiver_message(message : MessageID, receiver : UserID) : MessageID | Nil
receivers(message : MessageID) : Hash(UserID, MessageID)
sender(message : MessageID) : UserID | Nil
warned?(message : MessageID) : Bool | Nil
Constructor methods inherited from class PrivateParlorXT::History
new(lifespan : Time::Span)
Constructor Detail
Initialize a SQLiteHistory
where messages older than lifespan
are considered expired
Generally this should use the same connection that was used for the database
Instance Method Detail
Adds a rating entry to the database with the given data
Returns true
if the user's rating was successfully added; false
if the user's rating already exists.
Add a receiver message to the History
Delete a message group from the History
Ensures that there are message_group, receivers, and karma tables in the Database
Get all message IDs sent by a given user for purging messages
Create a new message group and add it to the History
Get the message ID of the original message associated with the given message ID
Get a hash containing an array of message IDs to delete associated with the users who received a message in the given set.
Used for the PurgeCommand
NOTE The returned array of message IDs should be sorted in descending order (most recent messages first)
Get the original message ID associated with the given message ID and receiver ID
Get a hash of all users and receiver message IDs associated with the given message ID
Get the sender of the original message referenced by the given message ID
Returns true
if the given message was already warned; false
or nil otherwise