class PrivateParlorXT::SQLiteDatabase


An implementation of Database that uses a SQLite database for storing information about SQLiteUser objects

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class PrivateParlorXT::Database

active_users(exclude : UserID) : Array(UserID)
active_users : Array(UserID)
, add_user(id : UserID, username : String | Nil, realname : String, rank : Int32) : User | Nil add_user, blacklisted_users(time_limit : Time::Span) : Array(User)
blacklisted_users : Array(User)
, close close, expire_warnings(warn_lifespan : Time::Span) : Nil expire_warnings, get_user(id : UserID | Nil) : User | Nil get_user, get_user_by_arg(arg : String) : User | Nil get_user_by_arg, get_user_by_name(username : String) : User | Nil get_user_by_name, get_user_by_oid(oid : String) : User | Nil get_user_by_oid, inactive_users(time_limit : Time::Span) : Array(User) | Nil inactive_users, invalid_rank_users(valid_ranks : Array(Int32)) : Array(User) | Nil invalid_rank_users, motd : String | Nil motd, no_users? : Bool | Nil no_users?, set_motd(text : String) : Nil set_motd, update_user(user : User) : Nil update_user, user_counts : NamedTuple(total: Int32, left: Int32, blacklisted: Int32) user_counts, warned_users : Array(User) | Nil warned_users

Constructor methods inherited from class PrivateParlorXT::Database

new new

Constructor Detail

def : DB::Database) #

Creates an instance of SQLiteDatabase and ensures that the proper tables exist

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Instance Method Detail

def active_users(exclude : UserID) : Array(UserID) #

Queries the database for the most active users, ordered by highest ranking users first, then most active users.

Use this to exclude a user from the result (i.e., when a user does not have debug mode enabled)

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def active_users : Array(UserID) #

Queries the database for the most active users, ordered by highest ranking users first, then most active users.

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def add_user(id : UserID, username : String | Nil, realname : String, rank : Int32) : User | Nil #

Adds a user to the database

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def blacklisted_users(time_limit : Time::Span) : Array(User) #
Description copied from class PrivateParlorXT::Database

Get an array of recently blacklisted users

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def blacklisted_users : Array(User) #

Get an array of blacklisted users

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def close #

Close connection to the Database

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def ensure_schema : Nil #

Ensures that the SQLite database has both a 'system_config' and a 'users' table

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def expire_warnings(warn_lifespan : Time::Span) : Nil #

Queries the database for users with warnings and removes a warning

If the user still has warnings, the next time a warning is removed should be the current time plus the value of warn_lifespan

This should be invoked as a recurring task

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def get_user(id : UserID | Nil) : User | Nil #

Get user by UserID

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def get_user_by_name(username : String) : User | Nil #

Get user by username

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def get_user_by_oid(oid : String) : User | Nil #

Get user by a four-digit obfuscated ID

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def inactive_users(time_limit : Time::Span) : Array(User) #

Get users that have not been active within a given time limit

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def invalid_rank_users(valid_ranks : Array(Int32)) : Array(User) #

Get an array of users whose ranks are currently invalid

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def motd : String | Nil #

Gets the MOTD/rules, if they exist

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def no_users? : Bool | Nil #

Returns true if there are no users in the database False otherwise

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def set_motd(text : String) : Nil #

Sets the MOTD/rules to the given string

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def update_user(user : User) : Nil #

Updates a user with new data

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def user_counts : NamedTuple(total: Int32, left: Int32, blacklisted: Int32) #

Get the total count of users, users that have stopped the bot, and users that are blacklisted

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def warned_users : Array(User) #

Get an array of warned users

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