class PrivateParlorXT::CachedHistory


An implementation of History storing the messages in RAM as a Hash

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class PrivateParlorXT::History

add_rating(message : MessageID, user : UserID) : Bool add_rating, add_to_history(origin : MessageID, receiver : MessageID, receiver_id : UserID) : Nil add_to_history, add_warning(message : MessageID) : Nil add_warning, close close, delete_message_group(message : MessageID) : MessageID | Nil delete_message_group, expire : Nil expire, lifespan : Time::Span lifespan, messages_from_user(user : UserID) : Set(MessageID) messages_from_user, new_message(sender_id : UserID, origin : MessageID) : MessageID new_message, origin_message(message : MessageID) : MessageID | Nil origin_message, purge_receivers(messages : Set(MessageID)) : Hash(UserID, Array(MessageID)) purge_receivers, receiver_message(message : MessageID, receiver : UserID) : MessageID | Nil receiver_message, receivers(message : MessageID) : Hash(UserID, MessageID) receivers, sender(message : MessageID) : UserID | Nil sender, warned?(message : MessageID) : Bool | Nil warned?

Constructor methods inherited from class PrivateParlorXT::History

new(lifespan : Time::Span) new

Instance Method Detail

def add_rating(message : MessageID, user : UserID) : Bool #

Adds a rating entry to the database with the given data

Returns true if the user's rating was successfully added; false if the user's rating already exists.

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def add_to_history(origin : MessageID, receiver : MessageID, receiver_id : UserID) : Nil #

Add a receiver message to the History

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def add_warning(message : MessageID) : Nil #

Adds a warning to the given message

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def close #

Cleanup when finished with History

Mainly applicable for implementations using a database

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def delete_message_group(message : MessageID) : MessageID | Nil #

Delete a message group from the History

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def expire : Nil #

Deletes old messages from the History

This should be invoked as a recurring task

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def message_map : Hash(MessageID, MessageGroup) #

A hash of MessageID to MessageGroup

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def messages_from_user(user : UserID) : Set(MessageID) #

Get all message IDs sent by a given user for purging messages

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def new_message(sender_id : UserID, origin : MessageID) : MessageID #

Create a new message group and add it to the History

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def origin_message(message : MessageID) : MessageID | Nil #

Get the message ID of the original message associated with the given message ID

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def purge_receivers(messages : Set(MessageID)) : Hash(UserID, Array(MessageID)) #

Get a hash containing an array of message IDs to delete associated with the users who received a message in the given set. Used for the PurgeCommand

NOTE The returned array of message IDs should be sorted in descending order (most recent messages first)

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def receiver_message(message : MessageID, receiver : UserID) : MessageID | Nil #

Get the original message ID associated with the given message ID and receiver ID

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def receivers(message : MessageID) : Hash(UserID, MessageID) #

Get a hash of all users and receiver message IDs associated with the given message ID

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def sender(message : MessageID) : UserID | Nil #

Get the sender of the original message referenced by the given message ID

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def warned?(message : MessageID) : Bool | Nil #

Returns true if the given message was already warned; false or nil otherwise

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