class PrivateParlorXT::PromoteCommand


A command used to promote a user to a given rank

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class PrivateParlorXT::CommandHandler

authorized?(user : User, message : Tourmaline::Message, permission : CommandPermissions, services : Services) : Bool
authorized?(user : User, message : Tourmaline::Message, services : Services, *permissions : CommandPermissions) : CommandPermissions | Nil
, delete_messages(message : MessageID, user : UserID, debug_enabled : Bool | Nil, services : Services) : MessageID | Nil delete_messages, deny_user(user : User, services : Services) : Nil deny_user, remove_command_entity(text : String, entities : Array(Tourmaline::MessageEntity), arg : String) : Array(Tourmaline::MessageEntity) remove_command_entity, user_from_message(message : Tourmaline::Message, services : Services) : User | Nil user_from_message

Instance methods inherited from class PrivateParlorXT::Handler

do(message : Tourmaline::Message, services : Services) : Nil do, reply_message(user : User, message : Tourmaline::Message, services : Services) : Tourmaline::Message | Nil reply_message, reply_user(user : User, reply_message : Tourmaline::Message, services : Services) : User | Nil reply_user, unique?(user : User, message : Tourmaline::Message, services : Services, text : String | Nil = nil) : Bool unique?, update_user_activity(user : User, services : Services) : Nil update_user_activity

Constructor methods inherited from class PrivateParlorXT::Handler

new(config : Config) new

Instance Method Detail

def do(message : Tourmaline::Message, services : Services) : Nil #

Promotes the user described in the message text or promotes the sender of the message it replies to, if message meets requirements

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def promote_from_args(text : String | Nil, authority : CommandPermissions, user : User, message : MessageID, services : Services) : Nil #

Promotes a user given in the text to the user's current rank if the rank has the CommandPermissions::Promote or CommandPermissions::PromoteSame permission and only one argument (the user's identifier) was given, or promotes to the given rank if the user's rank has the CommandPermissions::Promote or CommandPermissions::PromoteLower permission and two arguments (the user's identifier and name/value of rank) was given

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def promote_from_reply(arg : String | Nil, authority : CommandPermissions, user : User, message : MessageID, reply : Tourmaline::Message, services : Services) : Nil #

Promotes a user who sent the reply message to the user's current rank if the rank has the CommandPermissions::Promote or CommandPermissions::PromoteSame permission and no arg was given, or promotes to the given rank in arg if the user's rank has the CommandPermissions::Promote or CommandPermissions::PromoteLower permission and one argument (name/value of rank) was given

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