class PrivateParlorXT::AuthorizedRanks


A handler for Rank and determines if a Rank has access to certain commands and message types

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Hash(Int32, Rank)) #

Creates an instance of AuthorizedRanks

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Instance Method Detail

def authorized?(user_rank : Int32, permission : CommandPermissions) : Bool | Nil #

Returns true if user rank has the given command permission; user is authorized.

Returns false otherwise, or nil if the user rank does not exist in #ranks

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def authorized?(user_rank : Int32, permission : MessagePermissions) : Bool | Nil #

Returns true if user rank has the given message permission; user is authorized.

Returns false otherwise, or nil if the user rank does not exist in #ranks

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def authorized?(user_rank : Int32, *permissions : CommandPermissions) : CommandPermissions | Nil #

Returns the first symbol found from intersecting the user command permissions and the given permissions; user is authorized.

Returnsnil if the user rank does not exist in #ranks or if the rank does not have any of the given permissions.

Used for checking groups of command permissions that are similar.

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def can_demote?(rank : Int32, invoker : Int32, receiver : Int32) : Bool #

Returns true if the user to be demoted (receiver) can be demoted with the given rank.

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def can_promote?(rank : Int32, invoker : Int32, receiver : Int32, permission : CommandPermissions) : Bool #

Returns true if the user to be promoted (receiver) can be promoted with the given rank.

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def can_ranksay?(rank : Int32, invoker : Int32, invoker_permission : CommandPermissions, rank_permission : CommandPermissions | Nil = nil) : Bool #

Returns true if the user can sign a message with the given rank.

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def find_rank(name : String, value : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Tuple(Int32, Rank) | Nil #

Finds a rank from a given rank value or iterates through the ranks hash for a rank with a given name

Returns a 2-tuple with the rank value and the rank associated with that rank, or nil if no rank exists with the given values.

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def max_rank : Int32 #

Returns the max rank value in the ranks hash

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def rank_name(rank_value : Int32) : String | Nil #

Returns the rank name associated with the given value.

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def rank_names(limit : Int32) : Array(String) #

Returns an array of all the rank names in the ranks hash, up to a rank value limit and excluding the blacklisted (-10) rank

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def rank_names : Array(String) #

Returns an array of all the rank names in the ranks hash.

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def ranks : Hash(Int32, Rank) #

A hash of Int32 to Rank, where each value represents a Rank

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def ranksay(rank : String) : String #

Converts the given rank string into a string that can be used for a RanksayCommand, preceding the '-say' substring

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def ranksay_ranks : Array(String) #

Return an array of rank names that have a CommandPermissions::Ranksay or CommandPermissions::RanksayLower permission

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