class PrivateParlorXT::DemoteCommand
- PrivateParlorXT::DemoteCommand
- PrivateParlorXT::CommandHandler
- PrivateParlorXT::Handler
- Reference
- Object
A command used to demote a user to the default rank or a given rank
Defined in:
private-parlor-xt/handlers/command_handlers/demote_command.crInstance Method Summary
#demote_from_args(text : String | Nil, user : User, message : MessageID, services : Services) : Nil
Demotes a user given in the text to the default rank if only one argument (the user's identifier) was given, or demotes to the given rank if two arguments (the user's identifier and name/value of rank) was given
#demote_from_reply(arg : String | Nil, user : User, message : MessageID, reply : Tourmaline::Message, services : Services) : Nil
Demotes a user who sent the reply message to the default rank if no arg was given, or demotes to the given rank in arg if one argument (name/value of rank) was given
#do(message : Tourmaline::Message, services : Services) : Nil
Demotes the user described in the message text or demotes the sender of the message it replies to, if message meets requirements
Instance methods inherited from class PrivateParlorXT::CommandHandler
authorized?(user : User, message : Tourmaline::Message, permission : CommandPermissions, services : Services) : Boolauthorized?(user : User, message : Tourmaline::Message, services : Services, *permissions : CommandPermissions) : CommandPermissions | Nil authorized?, delete_messages(message : MessageID, user : UserID, debug_enabled : Bool | Nil, services : Services) : MessageID | Nil delete_messages, deny_user(user : User, services : Services) : Nil deny_user, remove_command_entity(text : String, entities : Array(Tourmaline::MessageEntity), arg : String) : Array(Tourmaline::MessageEntity) remove_command_entity, user_from_message(message : Tourmaline::Message, services : Services) : User | Nil user_from_message
Instance methods inherited from class PrivateParlorXT::Handler
do(message : Tourmaline::Message, services : Services) : Nil
reply_message(user : User, message : Tourmaline::Message, services : Services) : Tourmaline::Message | Nil
reply_user(user : User, reply_message : Tourmaline::Message, services : Services) : User | Nil
unique?(user : User, message : Tourmaline::Message, services : Services, text : String | Nil = nil) : Bool
update_user_activity(user : User, services : Services) : Nil
Constructor methods inherited from class PrivateParlorXT::Handler
new(config : Config)
Instance Method Detail
Demotes a user given in the text to the default rank if only one argument (the user's identifier) was given, or demotes to the given rank if two arguments (the user's identifier and name/value of rank) was given
Demotes a user who sent the reply message to the default rank if no arg was given, or demotes to the given rank in arg if one argument (name/value of rank) was given
Demotes the user described in the message text or demotes the sender of the message it replies to, if message meets requirements