module RemiLib::Console


The RemiLib::Console module provides various terminal-related functionality.

Extended Modules

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.askYesNo(question : String, needFull : Bool = false, *, input : IO = STDIN, output : IO = STDOUT) : Bool #

Prints question, then waits for the user to respond. If needFull is true, then the user must respond with the full words yes or no. If needFull is false (the default), then they can respond with y, yes, n, or no.

This returns true if the user responded in the affirmitive, or false otherwise.

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Instance Method Detail

def auxCtrl(strm : IO, turnOn : Bool = true) : IO #

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def cursor(strm : IO, cells : UInt32, dir : Direction) : IO #

Moves the cursor by the given number of cells.

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def cursor(strm : IO, row : UInt32, col : UInt32) : IO #

Moves the cursor to the given row and column.

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def cursor(strm : IO, col : UInt32) : IO #

Moves the cursor to the given column in the current row.

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def defaultFont(strm : IO) : IO #

Switches the terminal to its default font.

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def endBold(strm : IO) : IO #

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def endColor(strm : IO) : IO #

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def endConceal(strm : IO) : IO #

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def endCrossedOut(strm : IO) : IO #

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def endEncircled(strm : IO) : IO #

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def endFaint(strm : IO) : IO #

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def endFastBlink(strm : IO) : IO #

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def endFraktur(strm : IO) : IO #

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def endFramed(strm : IO) : IO #

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def endItalic(strm : IO) : IO #

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def endOverlined(strm : IO) : IO #

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def endReverseVideo(strm : IO) : IO #

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def endSlowBlink(strm : IO) : IO #

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def endUnderline(strm : IO) : IO #

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def erase(strm : IO, from : EraseLine = EraseLine::CursorToEnd) #

Erases text from the terminal. from dictates how the erasing is done.

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def eraseScreen(strm : IO, from : EraseDisplay = EraseDisplay::CursorToEnd) #

Erases the screen. from dictates how the erasing is done.

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def font(strm : IO, fnt : UInt32) : IO #

Changes the terminal font.

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def getWinSize : Tuple(UInt16, UInt16) #

Gets the width and height of the terminal.

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def hideCursor(strm : IO) : IO #

Hides the cursor.

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def reset(strm : IO) : IO #

Resets the terminal.

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def restoreCursorPos(strm : IO) : IO #

Restores the cursor's position. See #saveCursorPos.

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def saveCursorPos(strm : IO) : IO #

Saves the cursor's position. See #restoreCursorPos.

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def scroll(strm : IO, lines : UInt32, down : Bool = false) : IO #

Scrolls the screen by the given number of lines.

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def setTitle(strm : IO, title : String) : IO #

Sets the terminal title.

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def showCursor(strm : IO) : IO #

Changes the cursor to visible.

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def startBold(strm : IO) : IO #

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def startColor(strm : IO, fg : Color, bg : Color = Color::Default) : IO #

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def startConceal(strm : IO) : IO #

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def startCrossedOut(strm : IO) : IO #

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def startEncircled(strm : IO) : IO #

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def startFaint(strm : IO) : IO #

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def startFastBlink(strm : IO) : IO #

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def startFraktur(strm : IO) : IO #

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def startFramed(strm : IO) : IO #

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def startItalic(strm : IO) : IO #

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def startOverlined(strm : IO) : IO #

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def startReverseVideo(strm : IO) : IO #

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def startSlowBlink(strm : IO) : IO #

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def startUnderline(strm : IO) : IO #

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def withBold(strm : IO, &) #

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def withColor(strm : IO, fg : Color, bg : Color = Color::Default, &) : IO #

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def withConceal(strm : IO, &) #

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def withCrossedOut(strm : IO, &) #

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def withEncircled(strm : IO, &) #

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def withFaint(strm : IO, &) #

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def withFastBlink(strm : IO, &) #

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def withFraktur(strm : IO, &) #

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def withFramed(strm : IO, &) #

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def withItalic(strm : IO, &) #

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def withOverlined(strm : IO, &) #

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def withProgress(label : String, max : Int, output : IO = STDOUT, &) #

Creates a new RemiLib::Console::ProgressBar with the given parameters, then yields it to the block. A newline will be automatically printed once the block is finished.

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def withReverseVideo(strm : IO, &) #

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def withSlowBlink(strm : IO, &) #

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def withUnderline(strm : IO, &) #

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