class RemiLib::Args::FlagArgument


A simple flag argument that always defaults to "off" and can be turned "on". If it's found on the command line, it's considered #called.

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class RemiLib::Args::Argument

callback : ArgCallbackFunc | Nil callback, callback=(callback : ArgCallbackFunc | Nil) callback=, called? : Bool called?, group : String group, group=(group : String) group=, help : String help, help=(help : String) help=, longName : String longName, longName=(newName) longName=, shortName : Char? shortName, shortName=(shortName : Char | Nil) shortName=

Constructor methods inherited from class RemiLib::Args::Argument

new(newLongName, shortName : Char | Nil = nil, group : String = "", help : String = "") new

Instance Method Detail

def str : String #

Returns "true" if the argument was #called, or "false" otherwise.

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