class RemiLib::Args::ArgParser


The main class for parsing command line arguments.

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String, progVersion : String, *, helpLongName : String = "--help", helpShortName : Char = 'h', verLongName : String = "--version", verShortName : Char = 'V', newProgBinName : String = PROGRAM_NAME, newArgv0 : String = PROGRAM_NAME) #

Creates a new ArgParser instance. A help argument and a version argument will always be added as FlagArguments.

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Class Method Detail

def self.defaultHelpPrinter(parser : ArgParser) : Nil #

The default printer for help arguments (e.g. "--help"/"-h").

The default output looks something like this (depending on the values of #preHelpText and #postHelpText:

Usage: /path/to/binary [options]
General Options
--help     / -h   : Show this help text
--version  / -V   : Show version information
--foo  x   / -f x : Adds a foo

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def self.defaultVerPrinter(parser : ArgParser) : Nil #

The default printer for version arguments (e.g. "--version"/"-V"). The default output looks something like this (depending on the values of #preVerText and #postVerText:

My Program v0.1.0

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Instance Method Detail

def [](name : String) #

Returns the Argument that has the given Argument#longName. The "--" prefix is optional.

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def [](name : Char) #

Returns the Argument that has the given Argument#shortName.

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def addArg(arg : Argument) #

Adds a new Argument to this parser. The argument must have a Argument#longName. Arguments with duplicate Argument#longNames and Argument#shortNames will raise an Exception.

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def addFlag(longName : String, shortName = nil, *, group = "", help = "") #

Adds a new FlagArgument.

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def addFlag(longName : String, shortName = nil, &) #

Adds a new FlagArgument.

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def addFloat(longName : String, shortName = nil, *, group = "", help = "", default = 0_f64, minimum = Float64::MIN, maximum = Float64::MAX) #

Adds a new FloatArgument.

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def addFloat(longName : String, shortName = nil, *, default = 0_f64, group = "", help = "", minimum = Float64::MIN, maximum = Float64::MAX, &) #

Adds a new FloatArgument.

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def addInt(longName : String, shortName = nil, *, group = "", help = "", default = 0_i64, minimum = Int64::MIN, maximum = Int64::MAX) #

Adds a new IntArgument.

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def addInt(longName : String, shortName = nil, *, default = 0_i64, group = "", help = "", minimum = Int64::MIN, maximum = Int64::MAX, &) #

Adds a new IntArgument.

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def addMultiFlag(longName : String, shortName = nil, *, group = "", help = "") #

Adds a new MultiFlagArgument.

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def addMultiFlag(longName : String, shortName = nil, &) #

Adds a new MultiFlagArgument.

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def addMultiInt(longName : String, shortName = nil, *, group = "", help = "", default = [] of Int64) #

Adds a new MultiIntArgument.

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def addMultiInt(longName : String, shortName = nil, *, group = "", help = "", default = [] of Int64, &) #

Adds a new MultiIntArgument.

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def addMultiString(longName : String, shortName = nil, *, group = "", help = "", default = [] of String, constraints : Array(String) | Nil = nil) #

Adds a new MultiStringArgument.

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def addMultiString(longName : String, shortName = nil, *, group = "", &) #

Adds a new MultiStringArgument.

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def addString(longName : String, shortName = nil, *, group = "", help = "", default = "", constraints : Array(String) | Nil = nil) #

Adds a new StringArgument.

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def addString(longName : String, shortName = nil, *, group = "", &) #

Adds a new StringArgument.

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def allArgGroups : Array(String) #

Returns an array of Strings containing all fo the argument groups. Note that the default argument group is an empty string.

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def allArgsInGroup(group : String) : Array(Argument) #

Returns an array of Arguments that are in the given group.

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def args : Hash(String, Argument) #

The Arguments defined for this parser. Do not add arguments directly to this field - use one of the add* methods instead.

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def detectHelp : Bool #

When true, the help argument (e.g. "--help"/"-h") will be processed. Otherwise it is ignored.

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def detectHelp=(detectHelp : Bool) #

When true, the help argument (e.g. "--help"/"-h") will be processed. Otherwise it is ignored.

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def detectVer : Bool #

When true, the version argument (e.g. "--version"/"-V") will be processed. Otherwise it is ignored.

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def detectVer=(detectVer : Bool) #

When true, the version argument (e.g. "--version"/"-V") will be processed. Otherwise it is ignored.

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def doubleDashPositional : Bool #

When true, the double dash -- will be treated as a positional argument.

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def doubleDashPositional=(doubleDashPositional : Bool) #

When true, the double dash -- will be treated as a positional argument.

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def each(&) : Nil #

Executes a block on every argument.

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def eachCalled(&) : Nil #

Executes a block on every argument that was Argument#called.

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def helpPrinter : HelpPrinterFunc #

This will be called when a help argument (e.g. "--help"/"-h") is found on the command line.

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def helpPrinter=(helpPrinter : HelpPrinterFunc) #

This will be called when a help argument (e.g. "--help"/"-h") is found on the command line.

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def longestArgName : Int #

Returns the length of the longest Argument#longName found in #args.

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def parse(theseArgs : Array(String)) #

Parses an array containing command line arguments.

If a help argument or version argument is found on the command line, and #detectHelp/#detectVer is true, then the corresponding #helpPrinter/#verPrinter will be called.

If a help argument or version argument is found on the command line, and #quitOnHelp/#quitOnVer is true, then exit(0) will be called after executing the corresponding method.

After parsing, any argument that has a Argument#callback method will have that method executed.

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def parse #

Parses ARGV.

If a help argument or version argument is found on the command line, and #detectHelp/#detectVer is true, then the corresponding #helpPrinter/#verPrinter will be called.

If a help argument or version argument is found on the command line, and #quitOnHelp/#quitOnVer is true, then exit(0) will be called after executing the corresponding method.

After parsing, any argument that has a Argument#callback method will have that method executed.

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def positionalArgs : Array(String) #

Any non-argument strings left on the command line after parsing.

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def positionalArgs=(positionalArgs : Array(String)) #

Any non-argument strings left on the command line after parsing.

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def postHelpText : String #

A string that is to be printed after the list of arguments when a help argument (e.g. "--help"/"-h") is found on the command line. A newline will be appended automatically.

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def postHelpText=(postHelpText : String) #

A string that is to be printed after the list of arguments when a help argument (e.g. "--help"/"-h") is found on the command line. A newline will be appended automatically.

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def postVerText : String #

A string that is to be printed after the version information when a version argument (e.g. "--version"/"-V") is found on the command line. A newline will be appended automatically.

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def postVerText=(postVerText : String) #

A string that is to be printed after the version information when a version argument (e.g. "--version"/"-V") is found on the command line. A newline will be appended automatically.

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def preHelpText : String #

A string that is to be printed after the "Usage:" line but before the list of arguments when a help argument (e.g. "--help"/"-h") is found on the command line. A newline will be appended automatically.

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def preHelpText=(preHelpText : String) #

A string that is to be printed after the "Usage:" line but before the list of arguments when a help argument (e.g. "--help"/"-h") is found on the command line. A newline will be appended automatically.

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def preVerText : String #

A string that is to be printed before version information when a version argument (e.g. "--version"/"-V") is found on the command line. A newline will be appended automatically.

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def preVerText=(preVerText : String) #

A string that is to be printed before version information when a version argument (e.g. "--version"/"-V") is found on the command line. A newline will be appended automatically.

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def progBinName : String #

The name of the binary using this ArgParser.

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def progBinName=(newName : String) #

Sets the name of the binary using this ArgParser.

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def progName : String #

The name of the program using this parser. Used when a version argument (e.g. "--version"/"-V") is found on the command line.

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def progName=(progName : String) #

The name of the program using this parser. Used when a version argument (e.g. "--version"/"-V") is found on the command line.

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def progVersion : String #

The version of the program using this parser. Used when a version argument (e.g. "--version"/"-V") is found on the command line.

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def progVersion=(progVersion : String) #

The version of the program using this parser. Used when a version argument (e.g. "--version"/"-V") is found on the command line.

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def quitOnHelp : Bool #

When true, #parse will call exit(0) after printing help when a help argument (e.g. "--help"/"-h") is found on the command line.

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def quitOnHelp=(quitOnHelp : Bool) #

When true, #parse will call exit(0) after printing help when a help argument (e.g. "--help"/"-h") is found on the command line.

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def quitOnVer : Bool #

When true, #parse will call exit(0) after printing version information when a version argument (e.g. "--version"/"-V") is found on the command line.

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def quitOnVer=(quitOnVer : Bool) #

When true, #parse will call exit(0) after printing version information when a version argument (e.g. "--version"/"-V") is found on the command line.

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def singleDashPositional : Bool #

When true, a single dash - will be and stored as a positional argument.

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def singleDashPositional=(singleDashPositional : Bool) #

When true, a single dash - will be and stored as a positional argument.

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def usageLine : String | Nil #

When non-nil, this will be used for the "Usage:" line instead of the generated one.

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def usageLine=(usageLine : String | Nil) #

When non-nil, this will be used for the "Usage:" line instead of the generated one.

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def verPrinter : VerPrinterFunc #

This will be called when a version argument (e.g. "--version"/"-V") is found on the command line.

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def verPrinter=(verPrinter : VerPrinterFunc) #

This will be called when a version argument (e.g. "--version"/"-V") is found on the command line.

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def withCalledArg(name, &) #

If an argument named name was called, then this yields that argument to the block. Otherwise this does nothing. This returns either the result of the block, or nil if it wasn't called.

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def withCalledFloatArg(name, &) #

Looks up the argument named name, casts it to a FloatArgument. If the argument was called, this yields it to the block, otherwise it does nothing. If the argument is not a FloatArgument, this raises an exception. This returns either the result of the block, or nil if it wasn't called.

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def withCalledIntArg(name, &) #

Looks up the argument named name, casts it to an IntArgument. If the argument was called, this yields it to the block, otherwise it does nothing. If the argument is not an IntArgument, this raises an exception. This returns either the result of the block, or nil if it wasn't called.

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def withCalledMultiFloatArg(name, &) #

Looks up the argument named name, casts it to a MultiFloatArgument. If the argument was called, this yields it to the block, otherwise it does nothing. If the argument is not a MultiFloatArgument, this raises an exception. This returns either the result of the block, or nil if it wasn't called.

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def withCalledMultiIntArg(name, &) #

Looks up the argument named name, casts it to a MultiIntArgument. If the argument was called, this yields it to the block, otherwise it does nothing. If the argument is not a MultiIntArgument, this raises an exception. This returns either the result of the block, or nil if it wasn't called.

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def withCalledMultiStringArg(name, &) #

Looks up the argument named name, casts it to an MultiStringArgument. If the argument was called, this yields it to the block, otherwise it does nothing. If the argument is not an MultiStringArgument, this raises an exception. This returns either the result of the block, or nil if it wasn't called.

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def withCalledStringArg(name, &) #

Looks up the argument named name, casts it to an StringArgument. If the argument was called, this yields it to the block, otherwise it does nothing. If the argument is not an StringArgument, this raises an exception. This returns either the result of the block, or nil if it wasn't called.

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def withFlagArg(name, &) #

Looks up the argument named name, casts it to an FlagArgument, then yields it to the block. If the argument is not an FlagArgument, this raises an exception.

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def withFloatArg(name, &) #

Looks up the argument named name, casts it to a FloatArgument, then yields it to the block. If the argument is not a FloatArgument, this raises an exception.

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def withIntArg(name, &) #

Looks up the argument named name, casts it to an IntArgument, then yields it to the block. If the argument is not an IntArgument, this raises an exception.

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def withMultiFlagArg(name, &) #

Looks up the argument named name, casts it to an MultiFlagArgument, then yields it to the block. If the argument is not an MultiFlagArgument, this raises an exception.

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def withMultiFloatArg(name, &) #

Looks up the argument named name, casts it to a MultiFloatArgument, then yields it to the block. If the argument is not a MultiFloatArgument, this raises an exception.

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def withMultiIntArg(name, &) #

Looks up the argument named name, casts it to a MultiIntArgument, then yields it to the block. If the argument is not a MultiIntArgument, this raises an exception.

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def withMultiStringArg(name, &) #

Looks up the argument named name, casts it to an MultiStringArgument, then yields it to the block. If the argument is not an MultiStringArgument, this raises an exception.

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def withStringArg(name, &) #

Looks up the argument named name, casts it to an StringArgument, then yields it to the block. If the argument is not an StringArgument, this raises an exception.

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