class RemiLib::BitReader


Encapsulates an IO to enable the reading of individual bits.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : IO) #

Creates a new BitReader that will read data from stream. This will always call IO#read_byte exactly once to populate the initial #byte.

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Instance Method Detail

def advanceToNextByte : Nil #

Advances this BitReader to the next byte boundary, discarding bits as it goes. If the reader is already on a byte boundary, this does nothing.

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def bitpos #

Returns the current bit position within the current byte.

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def byte : UInt8 #

Returns the current byte that the BitReader is reading bits from.

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def byte=(val : UInt8) #

Sets what the BitReader considers the last byte read. This does not affect the underlying stream.

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def byte? : UInt8 | Nil #

Returns the current byte that the BitReader is reading bits from, or nil if were no more bytes to read.

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def countOnes(*, discardFirstZero : Bool = false) : Int #

Reads bits until a 0 is encountered, counting the number of ones that are read. This returns the number of zeros that were read before the 0 was encountered.

If discardFirstZero is true, then the first 0 bit is read and discarded before returning. Otherwise it remains unread.

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def countZeros(*, discardFirstOne : Bool = false) : Int #

Reads bits until a 1 is encountered, counting the number of zeros that are read. This returns the number of zeros that were read before the 1 was encountered.

If discardFirstOne is true, then the first 1 bit is read and discarded before returning. Otherwise it remains unread.

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def peek(count : Int) : Int64 #

Peeks at count bits, returning an Int64.

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def peek?(count : Int) : Int64 | Nil #

Peeks at count bits, if possible. On success, this returns an Int64, otherwise this returns nil.

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def peekBytes(count : Int) : Array(UInt8) #

Peeks count bytes into a new array, then returns that array. The number of elements in the returned array may be less than count if the end of the file was reached.

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def pos #

Returns the current position in the underlying IO.

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def read(dest : Bytes, offset : Int, count : Int) : Int #

Reads count bytes into dest starting at dest[offset]. The BitReader must be on a byte boundary, or this will raise a NotOnByteError. This returns the number of bytes read, which maybe 0 if nothing was read. The current #byte is always the first byte put into dest.

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def read(dest : Array(UInt8), offset : Int, count : Int) : Int forall T #

Reads count bytes into dest starting at dest[offset]. The BitReader must be on a byte boundary, or this will raise a NotOnByteError. This returns the number of bytes read, which maybe 0 if nothing was read. The current #byte is always the first byte put into dest.

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def read(count : Int) : Int64 #

Reads count bits, then returns the value as an Int64.

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def read(dest : Bytes | Array(UInt8)) : Int #

Reads dest.size bytes into dest. The BitReader must be on a byte boundary, or this will raise a NotOnByteError. This returns the number of bytes read, which maybe 0 if nothing was read. The current #byte is always the first byte put into dest.

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def read?(count : Int) : Int64 | Nil #

Try to read count bits, then returns the value as an Int64?. If there were not count bits available, this returns nil.

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def readByteArray(count : Int) : Array(UInt8) #

Reads count bytes into a new array, then returns that array. The number of elements in the returned array may be less than count if the end of the file was reached.

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def readBytes(count : Int32) : Bytes #

Reads count bytes into a new array, then returns that Bytes. If there are not count bytes remaining, this will raise an IO::EOFError.

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def readInt128 : Int128 #

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def readInt128BE : Int128 #

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def readInt16 : Int16 #

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def readInt16BE : Int16 #

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def readInt32 : Int32 #

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def readInt32BE : Int32 #

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def readInt64 : Int64 #

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def readInt64BE : Int64 #

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def readString(sizeInBytes : Int) : String #

Reads up to sizeInBytes, then attempts to convert those bytes into a string. On success, this returns the new string, which may be smaller than sizeInBytes if there was not enough data left to read.

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def readString!(sizeInBytes : Int) : String #

Reads up to sizeInBytes, then attempts to convert those bytes into a string. On success, this returns the new string. This raises an IO::EOFError if there was not enough data left to read.

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def readUInt128 : UInt128 #

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def readUInt128BE : UInt128 #

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def readUInt16 : UInt16 #

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def readUInt16BE : UInt16 #

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def readUInt32 : UInt32 #

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def readUInt32BE : UInt32 #

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def readUInt64 : UInt64 #

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def readUInt64BE : UInt64 #

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