struct Int64
Defined in:
Instance Method Summary
#asBitSize(bits : Int, asUnsigned : Bool = false) : Int64 | UInt64
Converts this integer to a number that is
bits wide. -
#numLeadingOnes : Int
Returns the number of one bits in the number before a 1 bit is encountered.
#numLeadingZeros : Int
Returns the number of zero bits in the number before a 1 bit is encountered.
Instance methods inherited from struct Int
prettySize(io : IO, *, alwaysShowAsBytes : Bool = false, decimalPlaces : Int = 2, separator : Char = '.', delimiter : Char = ',', padding : Int = 0, padChar : Char = ' ') : NilprettySize(*, alwaysShowAsBytes : Bool = false, decimalPlaces : Int = 2, separator : Char = '.', delimiter : Char = ',', padding : Int = 0, padChar : Char = ' ') : String prettySize, toRoman : String toRoman, toRoman? : String | Nil toRoman?, toSpoken : String toSpoken
Instance Method Detail
Converts this integer to a number that is bits
bits wide. If
is true
, then the converted value is converted into an
unsigned integer of bits
size, otherwise it is converted to a
twos-complement signed integer of bits
must be at least 1. If bits
is greater than or equal to the
size of self
in bits, then self
is simply returned (possibly
converted to an unsigned version if asUnsigned
is true
Returns the number of one bits in the number before a 1 bit is encountered.
Returns the number of zero bits in the number before a 1 bit is encountered.