class StaffAPI

Defined in:


Constant Summary

BOOKINGS = [{id: 1, user_id: "user-wfh", user_email: "[email protected]", user_name: "User One", asset_id: "desk_001", zones: ["zone-1234"], booking_type: "desk", booking_start: (Time.utc + 1.hour).to_unix, booking_end: (Time.utc + 2.hours).to_unix, timezone: "Australia/Darwin", title: "ignore", description: "", checked_in: false, rejected: false, approved: true, booked_by_id: "user-wfh", booked_by_email: "[email protected]", booked_by_name: "User One", process_state: "approved", last_changed: Time.utc.to_unix, created: Time.utc.to_unix}, {id: 2, user_id: "user-wfh", user_email: "[email protected]", user_name: "User One", asset_id: "desk_002", zones: ["zone-1234"], booking_type: "desk", booking_start: (Time.utc + 5.minutes).to_unix, booking_end: (Time.utc + 1.hour).to_unix, timezone: "Australia/Darwin", title: "notify", description: "", checked_in: false, rejected: false, approved: true, booked_by_id: "user-wfh", booked_by_email: "[email protected]", booked_by_name: "User One", process_state: "approved", last_changed: Time.utc.to_unix, created: Time.utc.to_unix}, {id: 3, user_id: "user-wfh", user_email: "[email protected]", user_name: "User One", asset_id: "desk_003", zones: ["zone-1234"], booking_type: "desk", booking_start: (Time.utc - 11.minutes).to_unix, booking_end: (Time.utc + 1.hour).to_unix, timezone: "Australia/Darwin", title: "reject", description: "", checked_in: false, rejected: false, approved: true, booked_by_id: "user-wfh", booked_by_email: "[email protected]", booked_by_name: "User One", process_state: "approved", last_changed: Time.utc.to_unix, created: Time.utc.to_unix}, {id: 4, user_id: "user-wfh", user_email: "[email protected]", user_name: "User One", asset_id: "desk_004", zones: ["zone-1234"], booking_type: "desk", booking_start: (Time.utc + 5.hours).to_unix, booking_end: (Time.utc + 6.hours).to_unix, timezone: "Australia/Darwin", title: "ignore_after_hours", description: "", checked_in: false, rejected: false, approved: true, booked_by_id: "user-wfh", booked_by_email: "[email protected]", booked_by_name: "User One", process_state: "approved", last_changed: Time.utc.to_unix, created: Time.utc.to_unix}, {id: 5, user_id: "user-wfo", user_email: "[email protected]", user_name: "User Two", asset_id: "desk_005", zones: ["zone-1234"], booking_type: "desk", booking_start: (Time.utc - 11.minutes).to_unix, booking_end: (Time.utc + 1.hour).to_unix, timezone: "Australia/Darwin", title: "ignore_wfo", description: "", checked_in: false, rejected: false, approved: true, booked_by_id: "user-wfo", booked_by_email: "[email protected]", booked_by_name: "User Two", process_state: "approved", last_changed: Time.utc.to_unix, created: Time.utc.to_unix}, {id: 6, user_id: "user-wfh", user_email: "[email protected]", user_name: "User One", asset_id: "desk_006", zones: ["zone-1234"], booking_type: "desk", booking_start: (Time.utc - 11.minutes).to_unix, booking_end: (Time.utc + 1.hour).to_unix, timezone: "Australia/Darwin", title: "ignore_last_minute_checkin", description: "", checked_in: false, rejected: false, approved: true, booked_by_id: "user-wfh", booked_by_email: "[email protected]", booked_by_name: "User One", process_state: "approved", last_changed: Time.utc.to_unix, created: Time.utc.to_unix}, {id: 7, user_id: "user-wfh", user_email: "[email protected]", user_name: "User One", asset_id: "desk_007", zones: ["zone-1234"], booking_type: "desk", booking_start: (Time.utc - 11.minutes).to_unix, booking_end: (Time.utc + 1.hour).to_unix, timezone: "Australia/Darwin", title: "ignore_last_minute_schedule_change", description: "", checked_in: false, rejected: false, approved: true, booked_by_id: "user-wfh", booked_by_email: "[email protected]", booked_by_name: "User One", process_state: "approved", last_changed: Time.utc.to_unix, created: Time.utc.to_unix}, {id: 8, user_id: "user-wfh", user_email: "[email protected]", user_name: "User One", asset_id: "desk_008", zones: ["zone-1234"], booking_type: "desk", booking_start: (Time.utc - 2.minutes).to_unix, booking_end: (Time.utc + 1.hour).to_unix, timezone: "Australia/Darwin", title: "reject_on_start", description: "", checked_in: false, rejected: false, approved: true, booked_by_id: "user-wfh", booked_by_email: "[email protected]", booked_by_name: "User One", process_state: "approved", last_changed: Time.utc.to_unix, created: Time.utc.to_unix}, {id: 9, user_id: "user-aol", user_email: "[email protected]", user_name: "User Three", asset_id: "desk_009", zones: ["zone-1234"], booking_type: "desk", booking_start: (Time.utc - 11.minutes).to_unix, booking_end: (Time.utc + 1.hour).to_unix, timezone: "Australia/Darwin", title: "release_override_aol", description: "", checked_in: false, rejected: false, approved: true, booked_by_id: "user-aol", booked_by_email: "[email protected]", booked_by_name: "User Three", process_state: "approved", last_changed: Time.utc.to_unix, created: Time.utc.to_unix}, {id: 10, user_id: "user-wfh-override", user_email: "[email protected]", user_name: "User Four", asset_id: "desk_010", zones: ["zone-1234"], booking_type: "desk", booking_start: (Time.utc - 11.minutes).to_unix, booking_end: (Time.utc + 1.hour).to_unix, timezone: "Australia/Darwin", title: "ignore_override", description: "", checked_in: false, rejected: false, approved: true, booked_by_id: "user-wfo-override", booked_by_email: "[email protected]", booked_by_name: "User Four", process_state: "approved", last_changed: Time.utc.to_unix, created: Time.utc.to_unix}, {id: 11, user_id: "user-wfh", user_email: "[email protected]", user_name: "User One", asset_id: "desk_003", zones: ["zone-1234"], booking_type: "desk", booking_start: (Time.utc - 11.minutes).to_unix, booking_end: (Time.utc + 1.hour).to_unix, timezone: "Australia/Darwin", title: "ignore_checked_in", description: "", checked_in: true, rejected: false, approved: true, booked_by_id: "user-wfh", booked_by_email: "[email protected]", booked_by_name: "User One", process_state: "approved", last_changed: Time.utc.to_unix, created: Time.utc.to_unix}]

Using a constant for bookings to ensure the times don't change during tests

DATE = NOW.to_s(format: "%F")
DAY_OF_WEEK = NOW.day_of_week.value == 0 ? 7 : NOW.day_of_week.value
NOW = Time.local(location: Time::Location.load("Australia/Sydney"))
ZONES = [{created_at: 1660537814, updated_at: 1681800971, id: "zone-org-1234", name: "Test Org Zone", display_name: "Test Org Zone", location: "", description: "", code: "", type: "", count: 0, capacity: 0, map_id: "", tags: ["org"], triggers: [] of String, parent_id: "zone-0000", timezone: "Australia/Sydney"}, {created_at: 1660537814, updated_at: 1681800971, id: "zone-bld-1234", name: "Test Building Zone", display_name: "Test Building Zone", location: "", description: "", code: "", type: "", count: 0, capacity: 0, map_id: "", tags: ["building"], triggers: [] of String, parent_id: "zone-0000", timezone: "Australia/Sydney"}]

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.driver_interface #

Instance Method Detail

def __executor(json : String) : BaseExecutor #
Description copied from class DriverSpecs::MockDriver


def __init__ : Nil #
Description copied from class DriverSpecs::MockDriver


def get_booking(booking_id : String | Int64) #

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def get_survey_invites(survey_id : Int64 | Nil = nil, sent : Bool | Nil = nil) #

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def on_load #
Description copied from class DriverSpecs::MockDriver


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def query_bookings(type : String | Nil = nil, period_start : Int64 | Nil = nil, period_end : Int64 | Nil = nil, zones : Array(String) = [] of String, user : String | Nil = nil, email : String | Nil = nil, state : String | Nil = nil, created_before : Int64 | Nil = nil, created_after : Int64 | Nil = nil, approved : Bool | Nil = nil, rejected : Bool | Nil = nil, checked_in : Bool | Nil = nil) #

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def reject(booking_id : String | Int64, utm_source : String | Nil = nil) #

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def update_survey_invite(token : String, email : String | Nil = nil, sent : Bool | Nil = nil) #

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def user(id : String) #

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def zones(q : String | Nil = nil, limit : Int32 = 1000, offset : Int32 = 0, parent : String | Nil = nil, tags : Array(String) | String | Nil = nil) #

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def zones(q : String | Nil = nil, limit : Int32 = 1000, offset : Int32 = 0, parent : String | Nil = nil, tags : Array(String) | String | Nil = nil) #

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