class Gallagher::RestAPI

Included Modules

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Class Method Summary

Macro Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.driver_interface : String #

Macro Detail

macro get_results(klass, response) #

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Instance Method Detail

def access_group_member?(group_id : String | Int32, cardholder_id : String | Int32) : String | Nil #

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def access_groups_endpoint : String #

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def access_zones_endpoint : String #

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def add_access_group_member(group_id : String | Int32, cardholder_id : String | Int32, from_unix : Int64 | Nil = nil, until_unix : Int64 | Nil = nil) #

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def card_holder_id_lookup(email : String) : String | Int64 | Nil #

using an email address, lookup the security system id for a user

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def card_holder_lookup(id : String | Int64) : CardHolderDetails #

given a card holder id, lookup the details of the card holder

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def card_types_endpoint : String #

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def cardholder_exists?(filter : String) #

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def cardholders_endpoint : String #

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def connected #

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def create_cardholder(first_name : String, last_name : String, description : String = "a cardholder", authorised : Bool = true, pdfs : Hash(String, String) | Nil = nil, cards : Array(Card) | Nil = nil, access_groups : Array(CardholderAccessGroup) | Nil = nil, short_name : String | Nil = nil, division_href : String | Nil = nil) #

Create a new cardholder. @param first_name [String] The first name of the new cardholder. Either this or last name is required (but we should assume both are for most instances). @param last_name [String] The last name of the new cardholder. Either this or first name is required (but we should assume both are for most instances). @option options [String] :division The division to add the cardholder to. This is required when making the request to create the cardholder but if none is passed the default_division is used. @option options [Hash] :pdfs A hash containing all PDFs to add to the user in the form { some_pdf_name: some_pdf_value, another_pdf_name: another_pdf_value }. @option options [Array] :cards An array of cards to be added to this cardholder which can include both virtual and physical cards. @option options [Array] :access_groups An array of access groups to add this cardholder to. These may include from and until fields to dictate temporary access. @option options [Array] :competencies An array of competencies to add this cardholder to. @return [Hash] The cardholder that was created.

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def delete_card(href : String) #

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def delete_href(href : String) #

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def disable_card(href : String) #

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def divisions_endpoint : String #

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def door_list : Array(Door) #

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def doors #

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def doors_endpoint : String #

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def events_endpoint : String #

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def free_zone(zone_id : String | Int32) : Bool | Nil #

forces a zone to be free, that is doors are unlocked

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def get_access_group(id : String) #

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def get_access_group_members(id : String) #

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def get_access_groups(name : String | Nil = nil, exact_match : Bool = true) #

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def get_base64_pdf(user_id : String, pdf_id : String | UInt64) #

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def get_card_type(id : String | Int32 | Nil = nil) #

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def get_cardholder(id : String | Int32) #

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def get_cardholder_email(user_id : String | Nil) : String | Nil #

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def get_division(id : String) #

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def get_divisions(name : String | Nil = nil, exact_match : Bool = true) #

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def get_event_groups #

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def get_events #

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def get_href(href : String) #

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def get_pdf(user_id : String, pdf_id : String | UInt64) #

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def get_pdfs(name : String | Nil = nil, exact_match : Bool = true) #

Personal Data Fields (PDFs) are custom fields that Gallagher allows definintions of on a site-by-site basis. They will usually be for things like email address, employee ID or some other field specific to whoever is hosting the Gallagher instance. Allows retrieval of the PDFs used in the Gallagher instance, primarily so we can get the PDF's ID and use that to filter cardholders based on that PDF.

@param name [String] The name of the PDF which we want to retrieve. This will only return one result (as the PDF names are unique). @return [Hash] A list of PDF results and a next link for pagination (we will generally have less than 100 PDFs so 'next' link will mostly be unused): @example An example response: { "results": [ { "name": "email", "id": "5516", "href": "https://localhost:8904/api/personal_data_fields/5516" }, { "name": "cellphone", "id": "9998", "href": "https://localhost:8904/api/personal_data_fields/9998", "serverDisplayName": "Site B" } ], "next": { "href": "https://localhost:8904/api/personal_data_fields?pos=900&sort=id" } }

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def get_zones(name : String | Nil = nil, exact_match : Bool = true) #

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def on_load #

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def on_unload #

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def on_update #

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def pdfs_endpoint : String #

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def query_card_types #

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def query_cardholders(filter : String, pdf_name : String | Nil = nil, exact_match : Bool = true) #

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def query_endpoints #

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def remove_access_group_member(group_id : String | Int32, cardholder_id : String | Int32) : Bool #

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def remove_cardholder_access(id : String | Nil = nil, href : String | Nil = nil) #

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def reset_zone(zone_id : String | Int32) : Bool | Nil #

returns the zone to it's default scheduled state, removing any overrides

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def secure_zone(zone_id : String | Int32) : Bool | Nil #

forces a zone to be secure and require a swipe card to access

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def unlock(door_id : String) : Bool | Nil #
Description copied from module PlaceOS::Driver::Interface::DoorSecurity

true for success, false for failed, nil for not supported

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def update_cardholder(id : String | Int32 | Nil = nil, href : String | Nil = nil, first_name : String | Nil = nil, last_name : String | Nil = nil, description : String | Nil = nil, authorised : Bool = true, pdfs : Hash(String, String) | Nil = nil, cards : Array(Card) | Nil = nil, remove_cards : Array(Card) | Nil = nil, update_cards : Array(Card) | Nil = nil, access_groups : Array(CardholderAccessGroup) | Nil = nil, remove_access_groups : Array(CardholderAccessGroup) | Nil = nil, update_access_groups : Array(CardholderAccessGroup) | Nil = nil, short_name : String | Nil = nil, division_href : String | Nil = nil) #

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def uri_base : String #

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def uri_base? : String | Nil #

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def zone_access_add_member(zone_id : String | Int64, card_holder_id : String | Int64, from_unix : Int64 | Nil = nil, until_unix : Int64 | Nil = nil) #

add a member to the zone

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def zone_access_id_lookup(name : String, exact_match : Bool = true) : String | Int64 | Nil #

using a name, lookup the access zone id

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def zone_access_lookup(id : String | Int64) : ZoneDetails #

given an access zone id, lookup the details of the zone

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def zone_access_member?(zone_id : String | Int64, card_holder_id : String | Int64) : String | Int64 | Nil #

return the id that represents the access permission (truthy indicates access)

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def zone_access_remove_member(zone_id : String | Int64, card_holder_id : String | Int64) #

remove a member from the zone

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