class Place::RoomBookingApprovalAltnerative

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Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.driver_interface : String #

Instance Method Detail

def accept_event(calendar_id : String, event_id : String, user_id : String | Nil = nil, notify : Bool | Nil = true, comment : String | Nil = nil) #

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def building_id : String #

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def decline_event(calendar_id : String, event_id : String, user_id : String | Nil = nil, notify : Bool | Nil = true, comment : String | Nil = nil) #

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def find_bookings_for_approval : Hash(String, Array(PlaceCalendar::Event)) #

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def get_building_id #

Finds the building ID for the current location services object

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def get_systems_list #

Grabs the list of systems in the building

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def on_update #

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def systems : Hash(String, Array(String)) #

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