class Place::Meet
- Place::Meet
- PlaceOS::Driver
- Reference
- Object
Included Modules
- Place::QSCPhoneDialing
- Place::Router::Core
- PlaceOS::Driver::Interface::ChatFunctions
- PlaceOS::Driver::Interface::Muteable
- PlaceOS::Driver::Interface::Powerable
Defined in:
place/meet.crConstant Summary
[:qsc_phone_dialing_init] of Symbol
[:qsc_phone_dialing_power] of Symbol
Class Method Summary
Instance Method Summary
- #add_preset(preset : String, camera : String)
run on system power on
- #apply_default_routes
- #audio_mute(state : Bool)
- #audio_muted?
#capabilities : String
overall description of what this driver implements
#current_routes : Hash(String, String | Nil)
core includes: 'current_routes' hash but we override it here for LLM integration
- #function_descriptions
- #init_vidconf
- #inputs_and_outputs
- #join_mode(mode_id : String, master : Bool = true)
- #lighting_independent : Bool
- #lighting_scene?
- #lighting_scenes
- #linked_outputs : Hash(String, Hash(String, String))
- #local_accessories : Array(Accessory)
- #local_help : Help
- #local_lighting_area : LightingArea | Nil
- #local_mics : Array(Microphone)
- #local_outputs : Array(String)
- #local_preview_outputs : Array(String)
- #local_tabs : Array(Tab)
#mute(state : Bool = true, index : Int32 | String = 0, layer : MuteLayer = MuteLayer::AudioVideo)
Sets the mute state on a signal node within the system.
- #on_load
- #on_update
#power(state : Bool, unlink : Bool = false)
Sets the overall room power state.
- #power? : Bool
- #remove_preset(preset : String, camera : String)
- #route(input : String, output : String, max_dist : Int32 | Nil = nil, simulate : Bool = false, follow_additional_routes : Bool = true, called_from_join : Bool = false)
- #route_input(input_id : String, output_id : String)
- #select_lighting_scene(scene : String, push_to_remotes : Bool = true)
#selected_camera(camera : String)
This is the camera input that is currently selected so we can switch between different cameras
#selected_input(name : String, simulate : Bool = false) : Nil
This is the currently selected input if the user selects an output then this will be routed to it
- #set_lighting_scene(scene : String)
#set_microphone(level : Float64, mute : Bool = false)
level is a percentage 0.0->100.0
- #set_power_state(state : Bool)
- #set_volume(level : Int32 | Float64)
- #unlink_internal_use
- #unlink_systems
#unroute(output : String)
we want to unroute any signal going to the display or if it's a direct connection, we want to mute the display.
#volume(level : Int32 | Float64, input_or_output : String)
Set the volume of a signal node within the system.
- #volume?
Instance methods inherited from module Place::QSCPhoneDialing
qsc_dial_pad(number : String)
qsc_dial_pad_clear : Nil
Instance methods inherited from module Place::Router::Core
current_routes : Hash(String, String | Nil)
route_signal(input : String, output : String, max_dist : Int32 | Nil = nil, simulate : Bool = false, follow_additional_routes : Bool = true)
Class Method Detail
Instance Method Detail
overall description of what this driver implements
core includes: 'current_routes' hash but we override it here for LLM integration
Sets the mute state on a signal node within the system.
This is the camera input that is currently selected so we can switch between different cameras
This is the currently selected input if the user selects an output then this will be routed to it
we want to unroute any signal going to the display or if it's a direct connection, we want to mute the display.
Set the volume of a signal node within the system.