class Amx::Svsi::NSeriesEncoder

Included Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary

CommonCommands = [:monitor, :monitornotify, :live, :local, :serial, :readresponse, :sendir, :sendirraw, :audioon, :audiooff, :enablehdmiaudio, :disablehdmiaudio, :autohdmiaudio, :record, :dsrecord, :dvrswitch1, :dvrswitch2, :mpeg, :mpegall, :deletempegfile, :play, :stop, :pause, :unpause, :fastforward, :rewind, :deletefile, :stepforward, :stepreverse, :stoprecord, :recordhold, :recordrelease, :playhold, :playrelease, :deleteallplaylist, :deleteallmpegs, :remotecopy, :wpswitch, :wpaudioin, :wpactive, :wpinactive, :wpaudioon, :wpaudiooff, :wpmodeon, :wpmodeoff, :wparrange, :wpbackground, :wpcrop, :wppriority, :wpbordon, :wpbordoff, :wppreset, :atrswitch, :atrmute, :atrunmute, :atrtxmute, :atrtxunmute, :atrhpvol, :atrlovol, :atrlovolup, :atrlovoldown, :atrhpvolup, :atrhpvoldown, :openrelay, :closerelay, :videowall, :script, :goto, :tcpclient, :udpclient, :reboot, :gc_serial, :gc_openrelay, :gc_closerelay, :gc_ir]
Modes = (1..8).map(&.to_s)

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.driver_interface : String #

Instance Method Detail

def atrhpvol(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def atrhpvoldown(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def atrhpvolup(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def atrlovol(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def atrlovoldown(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def atrlovolup(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def atrmute(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def atrswitch(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def atrtxmute(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def atrtxunmute(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def atrunmute(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def audiofollow(output : InOut, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def audiooff(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def audioon(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def autocc(input : InOut, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def autohdmiaudio(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def closerelay(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def connected #

[View source]
def cropref(output : InOut, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def deleteallmpegs(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def deleteallplaylist(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def deletefile(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def deletempegfile(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def disablecc(input : InOut, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def disablehdmiaudio(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def disconnected #

[View source]
def do_poll #

[View source]
def do_send(command : Command, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def do_send(*args, **options) #

[View source]
def dsrecord(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def dvioff(output : InOut, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def dvion(output : InOut, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def dvrswitch1(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def dvrswitch2(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def enablecc(input : InOut, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def enablehdmiaudio(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def fastforward(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def gc_closerelay(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def gc_ir(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def gc_openrelay(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def gc_serial(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def getStatus(output : InOut, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def goto(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def live(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def local(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def media_source(mode : String) #

[View source]
def modeoff(input : InOut, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def monitor(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def monitornotify(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def mpeg(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def mpegall(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def mute(state : Bool = true, index : Int32 | String = 0, layer : MuteLayer = MuteLayer::AudioVideo) #
Description copied from module PlaceOS::Driver::Interface::Muteable

When implementing muteable, these should be the preferred defaults

[View source]
def on_load #

[View source]
def on_update #

[View source]
def openrelay(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def pause(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def play(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def playhold(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def playrelease(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def readresponse(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def reboot(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def received(data, task) #

[View source]
def record(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def recordhold(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def recordrelease(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def remotecopy(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def rewind(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def script(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def sendir(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def sendirraw(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def serial(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def serialhex(ip_address : String, wait_time : Int32 = 1, *data, **options) #

[View source]
def stepforward(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def stepreverse(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def stop(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def stoprecord(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def switch(inouts : Hash(Int32, InOut | Array(InOut)), **options) #

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def switch_audio(inouts : Hash(Int32, InOut | Array(InOut)), **options) #

[View source]
def switch_to(input : Input, **options) #

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def tcpclient(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def udpclient(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def uncompressedoff(input : InOut, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def unpause(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

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def videowall(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def volume(output : InOut, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def wpactive(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

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def wparrange(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def wpaudioin(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def wpaudiooff(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def wpaudioon(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def wpbackground(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

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def wpbordoff(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def wpbordon(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def wpcrop(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def wpinactive(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

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def wpmodeoff(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def wpmodeon(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

[View source]
def wppreset(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

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def wppriority(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

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def wpswitch(ip_address : String, *args, **options) #

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