struct Savi::Compiler::TInfer::Span::ErrorPropagate
This kind of Span::Inner "poisons" a Span with an error, such that any further span operations only propagate that error.
Defined in:
Instance Method Summary
- #all_terminal_meta_types : Array(MetaType)
- #any_error? : Bool
- #any_mt?(&block : MetaType -> Bool) : Bool
- #combine_mt_to_span(other : Inner, &block : MetaType, MetaType -> Span) : Inner
- #each_mt(&block : MetaType -> Nil) : Nil
- #error : Error
- #final_mt_simplify(ctx : Context) : Inner
- #maybe_fallback_based_on_mt_simplify(options : Array(Tuple(Symbol, Inner))) : Inner
- #total_error : Error | Nil
- #transform_mt(&block : MetaType -> MetaType) : Inner
- #transform_mt_to_span(&block : MetaType -> Span) : Inner