class Savi::AST::FieldDisplace


A FieldDisplace node indicates a new value displacing the old value that was within a particular field, returning the old value of the field.

This is an internal AST type which has no corresponding source code syntax, because field writes only happen inside of generated property displacers.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Savi::AST::Node

accept(ctx : Compiler::Context, visitor : Visitor)
accept(ctx : Compiler::Context, visitor : CopyOnMutateVisitor)
, annotations : Array(Annotation) | Nil annotations, annotations=(annotations : Array(Annotation) | Nil) annotations=, children_accept(ctx : Compiler::Context, visitor : Visitor)
children_accept(ctx : Compiler::Context, visitor : CopyOnMutateVisitor)
, from(other : Node) from, pos pos, pos? : Savi::Source::Pos? pos?, span_pos(source) span_pos, with_pos(pos : Source::Pos) with_pos

Constructor Detail

def : String, rhs : Term) #

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Instance Method Detail

def children_accept(ctx : Compiler::Context, visitor : Visitor) #

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def children_accept(ctx : Compiler::Context, visitor : CopyOnMutateVisitor) #

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def name #

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def rhs : Savi::AST::Node #

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def rhs=(rhs : Savi::AST::Node) #

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def to_a : Array(A) #

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def value : String #

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def value=(value : String) #

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