class Savi::Compiler::CodeGen::GenType

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : CodeGen, type_def : Savi::Compiler::Reach::Def) #

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Instance Method Detail

def [](name) #

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def default_constructor #

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def desc : LLVM::Value #

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def desc? : LLVM::Value | Nil #

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def desc_type : LLVM::Type #

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def desc_type? : LLVM::Type | Nil #

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def each_gfunc #

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def field(name) #

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def field?(name) #

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def field_index(name) #

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def field_llvm_type(name) #

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def fields : Array(Tuple(String, Reach::Ref)) #

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def fields_struct_index #

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def fields_struct_type : LLVM::Type #

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def fields_struct_type? : LLVM::Type | Nil #

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def gen_desc(g : CodeGen) #

Generate the type descriptor global for this type.

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def gen_desc_init(g : CodeGen) #

Generate the initializer data for the type descriptor for this type.

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def gen_func_decls(g : CodeGen) #

Generate function declarations.

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def gen_func_impls(g : CodeGen) #

Generate function implementations.

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def gen_singleton(g : CodeGen) #

Generate the global singleton value for this type. We skip this for abstract types (traits).

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def gen_struct_type(g : CodeGen) #

Generate struct type bodies.

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def gen_vtable(g : CodeGen) : Array(LLVM::Value) #

Generate virtual call table.

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def gfuncs : Hash(String, GenFunc) #

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def gfuncs_by_sig_name : Hash(String, GenFunc) #

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def singleton : LLVM::Value #

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def singleton? : LLVM::Value | Nil #

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def struct_type : LLVM::Type #

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def struct_type? : LLVM::Type | Nil #

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def type_def : Reach::Def #

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def vtable_size : Int32 #

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