class Savi::AST::Prefix


A Prefix is an AST node containing a single Term to which a single Operator is being applied, such as in the following example of consume (--), (where the Operator is -- and the Term (an Identifier) is old_var):

new_var = --old_var ^~~~~~~~~

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Savi::AST::Node

accept(ctx : Compiler::Context, visitor : Visitor)
accept(ctx : Compiler::Context, visitor : CopyOnMutateVisitor)
, annotations : Array(Annotation) | Nil annotations, annotations=(annotations : Array(Annotation) | Nil) annotations=, children_accept(ctx : Compiler::Context, visitor : Visitor)
children_accept(ctx : Compiler::Context, visitor : CopyOnMutateVisitor)
, from(other : Node) from, pos pos, pos? : Savi::Source::Pos? pos?, span_pos(source) span_pos, with_pos(pos : Source::Pos) with_pos

Constructor Detail

def : Operator, term : Term) #

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Instance Method Detail

def children_accept(ctx : Compiler::Context, visitor : Visitor) #

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def children_accept(ctx : Compiler::Context, visitor : CopyOnMutateVisitor) #

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def name #

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def op=(op : Savi::AST::Operator) #

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def span_pos(source) #

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def term : Savi::AST::Node #

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def term=(term : Savi::AST::Node) #

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def to_a : Array(A) #

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